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5 Heroes with the Highest Pick and Win Rate in MPL ID 12

Valentina is the hero with the highest win rate, with a total of 117 picks with a win rate of 42,74%.
Highest Win Rate
Highest Win Rate. Source: Liquipedia

MPL ID S12 has been completed, and of course you are curious about the top 5 with the highest Pick and Win Rates in MPL ID 12. So, let's read this article until the end!

Last October, many things happened during the MPL ID S12 event. Starting from the absence of Evos Legends in the Play Offs even though they brought the team that won the WCG in South Korea and IESF, the absence of RRQ at the 5th M Series event, Geek Fam who for the first time qualified for M Series after 12 seasons of MPL ID and onic Three-peat esports champion MPL ID.

With some surprising results in MPL ID S12, this time we will discuss the hero with the highest Pick and Win Rate.

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Here are the 5 heroes with the highest pick and win rates in MPL ID 12:

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Rank 5

Highest Win Rate
Irithel Ranked Fifth. Source: Liquipedia

Starting with the marksman role in fifth rank, the hero in fifth rank is the hero Irithel. Irithel was the hero who was picked 83 times with a win rate of 61,45%.

The reason why Irithel is included in the top 5 heroes who have a high pick and win percentage is because Irithel dominates enough to counter the team war meta, where the positions of the enemy teams fighting Irithel will gather during the war.

This is because his ultimate, called heavy crossbow, has a splash effect when the arrow is strengthened when the ultimate hits the opponent's hero.

This makes it possible to attack the opposing team in areas. Apart from that, the results of the revamp of the Haas Claw item which functions as a critical item which has a lifesteal effect supports marksman with a critical effect that can last during the laning period.

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Rank 4

Highest Win Rate
Edith Ranked Fourth. Source: Liquipedia

In fourth place there is a hero with a quite unique default role, namely tank/marksman which is generally used in the exp lane position, namely Edith with a total of 85 picks and a win rate of 49,41%.

The power this hero has is very strong, both when he becomes a tank and when he turns into a marksman.

But the most frightening thing about Edith's hero is her passive called Overload which will be active every time you use a skill, Edith and Phylax will get a stack which will disappear in 3 seconds, where all basic attacks will trigger lightning, giving additional magical damage of (+ 30% Total Magical Power) (+4% Total HP of target) to 4 enemies.

Chain lightning damage to Minions increased to 300%. This passive makes it possible to defeat enemies who use the jungle tank meta, because generally this meta positions the team close to each other.

Rank 3

Beatrix Ranked Third
Beatrix Ranked Third. Source: Liquipedia

Furthermore, the third position is filled by a hero with a marksman role again, named Beatrix with a total of 85 picks with a win rate of 52,94%.

Beatrix is a regular pick because this marksman hero has the ability to clear minions quickly and has several weapons such as Renner (sniper), Bennet (mortar), Wesker (shotgun) and Nibiru (machine gun).

The weapons most often used are renner (sniper) and nibiru (machine gun), this is because these two weapons are very useful for protecting Beatrix's position from several heroes who can attack directly towards the back line.

Using renner (sniper) and nibiru (machine gun) will be very useful if combined with the trinity attack speed item which consists of corrosion schyte, golden staff and demon hunter sword.

The ultimate from Nibiru (machine gun) called Nibiru's passion is also very useful for clearing lanes quickly, just like the ultimate from the Bennet (mortar) weapon. However, the difference is that Nibiru's basic attacks are more useful, so Nibiru is used more often in matches.

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After 2 marksman and 1 tank/marksman, the second position is filled by a hero with a fighter/tank role named Fredrinn with a total of 85 picks with a win rate of 52,94%.

Fredrinn is a hero who is often used to fill the jungler position. With meta junglers still being used who use heroes with tank roles or roles other than tanks with tank builds.

Fredrin is very effective to use because he has a skill that has a crowd control effect in his skill 1 called brave assault and skill 2 called energy corruption.

As a hero who is often used as a jungle tank, Fredrinn has the task of receiving a lot of damage, both magical and physical.

Different from other jungle tanks, Fredrinn can convert the amount of blood lost into his ultimate damage called appraser's wrath.

Ultimate Fredrinn slams his sword at the enemy, dealing physical damage of 600–1000 plus 35% of Crystal Power to the enemy in a fan-shaped area after a short delay. Enemies in the middle of the area receive critical damage of 175%.

rank 1

Valentina Ranked First
Valentina Ranked First. Source: Liquipedia

In first position there is a hero with a mage role named Valentina with a total of 117 picks with a win rate of 42,74%.

Valentina is very strong in the early game phase because Valentina's passive called primal force allows Valentina to get additional EXP of 8-50 every time she deals damage to an opposing hero with a cooldown of 2 seconds.

This requires players who use the hero Valentina to play aggressively. Apart from that, the passive has another effect in the form of 30% from the damage given which will be converted into HP if the enemy hero's level is not higher than Valentina. This EXP follows Valentina's level.

Also read: 5 Overpowered Heroes with War Exe Mobile Legends

These are the 5 heroes with the highest pick and win rates in MPL ID 12. This statistical data may have a high win rate, but it all comes back to team composition, playing style and future patch changes.

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