Season 21 MLBB
Hola Vicigers! Do not feel Seasons 21 has ended and now players are greeted by Seasons 22 and all the updates therein. Every change seasons, tier every player will experience reset.
There are 8 tiers in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) of which there are Warrior, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Epic, Legend, Mythic and Mythical Glory. Reset tiers is the descent of stars and castes rank for every player without exception, automatically by MLBB.
At all player who are in tier Legend and Mythic will automatically descend to tier Epic at the start of the shift seasons. Reset tiers, this is done so that the game is more interesting and competitive.
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Remember all player, especially player who have been in Legend tier and Mythic, is now in tier and get the same opportunity to fight for tier highest.
In trying to reach tier highest, players will compete for victory through ranked mode. There are some differences in ranked mode which is below Epic tiers and above Epic tiers.

One such difference is, on ranked mode with tier on epic can do tire on some heroes which is considered a threat in an effort to win.
Tire can be done by marking a few heroes which is considered a threat. When it comes our turn to act tire, we just choose 1 heroes our choice totire. Heroes been in-banned, cannot be used by our team or the opposing team.
Amount heroes total that can betire by both teams totaling 6 heroes. Each team has 3 personnel who can perform tire. It's okay if one, or all of the personnel of a team doesn't do it tire. This means that the team assesses that there are no heroes who are considered to threaten their efforts to win.
Ranked draft pick mode Grandmaster players can also do it when playing with friends who have reached the tier epic.
According to the official Instagram account @mobilelegendsgame, there are several heroes which has a percentage tire rate highest for tier Mythic and Mythical Glory, During Seasons 21 yesterday, as follows.

X-Borg became top one highest tire rate in Mythic tier up on Seasons 21. With a percentage of 81,35%, heroes ber-role fighters this rarely gets away from tire player.
Presence items “War Axe” at the beginning Seasons 21 supports the large percentage tire rate from heroes this. Items it delivers heroes it becomes very overpower and be-damage high as well movement speed high so that is the reason why heroes this becomes a subscription in banned.

Followed by Paquito in second place in percentage tire rate of 64,82%. durability high make heroes it's hard to kill. That's the reason why heroes this one occupies the number 2 position in banlist During Seasons 21.

Heroes The next is hero assassin “one shot” which is a scourge for marksman, support and mage in Land Of Dawn. How come? Very combo hits which is issued heroes this one, makes the opponent die immediately without having time to put up a fight.
That's Saber, who occupies the third position in the lineup banlist by percentage tire rate of 63,08%.

Then there's Phoveus, heroes be-roles this fighter is counters for the heroes kind of opponent burstdamage and agile too.
Compounded by damage buffs high so as to make ability and skill-it's getting deadlier. durability quite a large influence heroes this so become a subscriber heroes which in banned During Seasons 21, up to a percentage tire rateit reached 62,48%.

Heroes next in this position is mage. With a percentage tire rate of 59.30%, Harley is included in the ranks banlist during Season 21.
Because, skills and burst magical damage owned by heroes this is very deadly. With escape mechanism the good one, heroes thieves thieves buff this one is hard to catch.
No wonder when Harley becomes the target for in-tire. Now roughly in this Season 22, who will occupy the subscription position in-tire yes? is heroes what do you use often? Keep following the progress, don't miss it. Happy push rank!
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