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5 Most Appropriate Damage Push Heroes When Ranking! Mobile Legends Season 20!

5 Most Appropriate Damage Push Heroes When Ranking! Mobile Legends Season 20!

hello buddy Viciger, you should know that the damage push is now on 5 heroes that Mimin will explain, the current meta really makes us have to look for enemy weaknesses in the meta while playing, now for Vicigers who still likes to lose when pushing rank, admin has a solution with using the damage push hero which is quite painful, do you want to know the next method, friend?

Let's look at the following 5 Damage Push Heroes that are the Most Appropriate When Ranking! Mobile Legends Season 20!

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The following is 5 heroes the most appropriate for push rank that must be known! See below, is your hero on your favorite Hero category list at the moment? 

1. Granger
Image source: uhdpaper.com

In first place is Granger who has become one of the most popular heroes in season 20 at the moment. Because it is considered very damaged and still quite painful when you wear it, and now the easy way to push rank heroes with Granger and Yi Shun-Shin is the easiest and most suitable marksman hero option. And heroes Granger has also been picked by MSC 2021 players 26 times.

And this Granger hero is also quite agile, a hero who is independent in farming as well as fast, so there is no reason not to pick this one hero and is also considered a late game hero to fight hard enemies.  

2. Lunax
Image source: uhdpaper.com

In second place is the role mage, you already know, who else if not Lunox, many participants also use Lunox like MSC 2021 and are often used, Lunox is also a hero that can be used in all lanes. 

The current abilities of Lunox heroes who have Hero regen and very deadly damage are still considered the right heroes and are suitable for push ranks, and also Ultimate Lunox has two different types of skills that can be used to defend and attack.

3. Harith
Image source: uhdpaper.com

This third-order hero is also still in the Mage role, which was also quite widely used in MSC 2021, who else if not Harith. Usually this hero becomes a part hero in the gold lane area, with agility that is so troublesome and also great damage Harith has often become Meta in recent times. 

4. Benedetta

Image source: uhdpaper.com

Continuing in fourth place, a hero who is also widely used during MSC 2021 with the activeness and agility of this hero which makes it difficult for his opponents, is occupied in the position of Role Assassin, namely Benedetta. 

Benedetta is the right hero when used to be the core of a team. But this hero is quite difficult, very agile movements, high durability, and deadly attacks are the hallmarks of this hero. often a lot of people use this hero to push rank because it is very suitable for use at this time of meta.

5. Paquito

Image source: uhdpaper.com

And in the last sequence is a fighter that was just released this year, who else if not Paquito. This hero, who is known as an uppercutter, is also very troublesome to fight against the team, because it is perfect for this season when you want to push rank, and one part of this exp lane is a favorite for the players. 

Not only is the damage great, but this hero is also a war opener for the team who can kill enemy cores or junglers very easily. So it's not surprising that Paquito is a tire customer.

So for all my friends, when you are pushing rank, your mainstay hero has been used by the team or banned, friends, don't worry about not using your favorite hero, you still have a lot of heroes with bad damage that Mimin told you about above.

How do you guys hope it's useful just now what Vicigers explained is interesting isn't it? to push in the days to come, stay tuned for further news and info.

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