Player Mobile Legends know with counters Bruno In this MOBA game, if you count the heroes on Bruno's counter, there are around 15 heroes.
Maybe for those who don't know, Bruno is one of the heroes with the Marksman role in Mobile Legends which have advantages outstanding.
This hero can be said to always deal very strong damage from his basic attacks during gameplay. He has good Flying Tackle skills and is very useful in escaping from opponents and being overpowered.
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His Firebolt skill is very unique, making Bruno's counter hero very easy to play so that newbie players can learn it. This hero is very strong especially when played in the early game.
By having a large critical damage skill, you can kill your opponent in a very short time.
So, in this article, we will recommend some of the best and most popular Bruno counter heroes used by many people. Who are the candidates?
Also read: Best Bruno Build Items in Mobile Legends 2022, Kill All Enemies!
Hero Counter Bruno
So, if you are curious and confused about which hero to use. That's right, here are five hero candidates that you can use.

This one hero is one of the heroes who can beat Bruno. He also has a crowd control skill that can make Bruno unable to move.
He has the agility that can always prevent him from being attacked by opponents and has immunity to approach Bruno.
Chou's crowd control skill makes it difficult for Bruno to fight him. By giving burst damage to Bruno, he can kill them very quickly.
The advantage of Chou is that he is a deadly hero for Bruno because of his ability to have crowd control.
Also read: The Painful Build of Chou 2023, Exclusively for Exp Laners!

This one hero has a shooting range that is very far and quite wide. And the damage is very strong and painful, of course Lesley difficult for Bruno to reach.
It can be said that Lesley is an opponent who can beat Bruno. So, if you like fighting Bruno, you can use Lesley.
Also read: Tips for Playing Lesley Mobile Legends, Really Accurate!

Guinevere's main skill is to give 300 (+ 130% Total Magic Power) to Bruno who is hit by the attack.
Apart from that, he managed to hit the enemy to reduce the skill cooldown for 1 second.
Guinevere is quite dangerous because she has 2 skills which are quite deadly. However, if Bruno can't stop with Combo, then you can use Skill 2 to approach him.
Also read: These are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Hero Guinevere MLBB
Aamon Is Suitable To Be A Hero Counter Bruno

One advantage of Aamon is Soul Shard, namely its very strong damage accompanied by Magic and throwing Shards into the opponent's area.
Aamon's second passive skill can camouflage and he can target enemy core heroes as fast as lightning.
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So, this is the last Bruno counter and can kill Bruno. And of course, he is one of the heroes that Mobile Legends players rely on because he was able to beat Bruno.
He is very agile in his gameplay, and Lancelot has very strong damage and is added to do immune skills.
With skill 1 he has to approach Bruno and use his ultimate skill, which is to give burst damage. Then, skill 2 Lancelot is useful for immuneing Bruno's attack skills perfectly.
Lancelot is still an option to counter Bruno because of the abilities he has. That way, you can use Lancelot as a key to fight Bruno.
Also read: 5 Weaknesses of Bruno ML Hero, Note These Carefully!
So, those are the five Bruno counter heroes that you can use to face Bruno. Who will you rely on?
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