Hello fellow Vicigers. You players Mobile Legends? you must know this info! The 5 best support heroes in Mobile Legends in September that you must know!
This time we will discuss about the 5 best support heroes in Mobile Legends which are being used a lot, especially in this month's MPL S8 Tournament! Want to know what these heroes are? This is the best support hero that we will discuss in full to the end.
Rather than really curious about this hero! Come on, take a look at the following discussion article!
The Best Support Hero in Mobile Legends

Angela is one of the best support heroes in the Mobile Legends game. Hero Angela has skills that are very useful for friends in her team. He is very popular and is often used when playing ranked mode, especially in the MPL S8 ID match this month.
Passive skill: can increase the maximum up to 30% when this skill is used, besides that this skill can be felt by the hero possessed by Angela.
Skill 1 Love Wave: can issue a wave of energy in a predetermined direction, and can deal 170 damage and give a mark to the enemy.
Skill 2 Puppet on a String: can cast a puppet to the targeted opponent.
Ultimate: Angela can possess or enter her teammate's body, besides that she can provide a shield to the hero.

Hero Kaja is the best support hero who is very strong in the early game and late game. This hero has two roles at once, namely fighter and support. This ultimate skill from Kaja makes the opponent afraid because it is very deadly.
Passive skill (Wrath Sanction) after 6 seconds the basic attack will spread between opponents. In addition, this passive skill will give 100 (+ 100% total magic power) 4% of the target's maximum HP.
Skill one (Ring of Order) this skill will issue a circle around his body and will give 135 (+ 70% total magic power). Besides that, this skill will give a slow effect of 30%.
Skill two(Lightning Bomb) will make Kaja move fast, leave three Lightning Bombs and also give 200 (+120% total magic power) when it hits the target.
Skill three(Divine Judgment) will quickly bind the target, also gives 300 (+150% total magic power). Apart from that, there will also be a stun effect for 1.5 seconds. The bound target will have its magic defense reduced by 10.
Also read: 5 Strongest Fighter Heroes Frequently Used in MPL S8 2021!

Mathilda is the first best Support hero in Mobile Legends. Mathilda's presence seems to be the hope for the revival of the Supports hero.
This hero is a hero who can bring one of his teammates to fly using his ultimate skill. This hero acquires this passive skill while on the move. When the stack is fully filled, the next basic attack will be strengthened and produces 160 physical attacks and 100% total magic damage to opposing heroes.
Apart from that, this skill can increase his movement speed by 80 which will decrease quickly in 2.5 seconds. Mathilda creates an area around her and jumps forward. When on this skill, this hero gets a shield of 500 and 25% an increase in shield. After the hero 1 team is affected by this skill, this hero will move towards this one hero quickly and get a shield effect from this hero skill.

This Rafaela hero is one of the best support heroes that is good for you to pick because she specializes as a healer in a team.
This hero has a level of difficulty that is not too difficult but has a very important role in team fights or ganking enemies. Hero Rafaela has skills that are not too complicated to use, for her first skill Rafaela uses Holy Light on three nearby opponents and causes a slow effect.
If this skill hits the same opponent within five seconds, the damage received increases by 20% and can be stacked up to three times. This skill is good for doing poke or repaying the opponent's blood and when doing a team fight his blood is not full.
This hero is suitable for you to place as support in the mid lane. With the current META of Mobile Legends, it's great if the team's Hero Core uses a Marksman.
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Hero Eudora is a mage hero, but many are used as support heroes in the Mobile Legends game with the power of lightning. Eudora is the best scary support hero because of her many skills and great damage.
Passive Skill (Super Conductor), that is, when Hero Eudora can injure the target, the next skill can have special effects such as increasing damage and increasing the duration of the stun.
Skill 1 (Forked Lighting), namely, Hero Eudora can damage an area in the direction he wants, when the opponent is hit by a super conductor, the opponent's magic resistance will decrease by 15 points, this skill is effective for cleaning minions and sick damage.
Skill 2 (Electric Arrow), namely, Hero Eudora can attack opponents using electric balls. This will deal damage and stun the opponent for 0.75 seconds, but this skill can be thwarted by heroes who have immune skills.
Skill Ulti (Thunderstruck), namely, Hero Eudora can summon a thunderstorm and deal damage to the target, this skill has a long delay and is often thwarted by your opponent, you have to be smart to see the time.