Team Comp or Team Composition Genshin Impact is the arrangement or composition of a team consisting of 4 characters which is used in various things such as exploration, fighting Bosses, completing quests or event missions, solving puzzles, farming gold materials and other items or even doing damage showcases.
In this way, choosing a Team Comp or Team Composition is something you must pay attention to and do well because this is very important in the game Genshin Impact.
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Effective Team Comp

If you want an effective Team Comp, you must have characters that complement each other from roles to reaction and resonance elements.
For example, if you want to use the elemental vaporize reaction, you need to combine characters pyro with Hydro Characters in the team. Of course, the roles of the Pyro and Hydro characters must complement each other, such as Main DPS then Sub DPS, Support, Shielder or Healer in one team.
You can also use 2 characters with the same element to activate resonance. The following are recommendations for 5 Team Comp Genshin Impact that you can use based on their reaction elements:
Freeze Team

Team Freeze is a team that is often used in the Genshin Impact game even now. Recommendations for the composition of Team Comp Freeze, namely Kamisato Ayaka (Playing DPS), shenhe (Sub DPS), Kazuha (Support), Kokomi (Healer).
If you look at the composition of the Freeze team, you could say this team is quite expensive because it requires 4 limited five star characters. However, don't worry because there is an alternative Team Comp Freeze option that you can use if you don't have the 4 five star characters.
As a F2P or Free to Play player, you can use this alternative on Team Comp Freeze which consists of Rosary (Playing DPS), Xingqiu (Sub DPS), Succrose (Support) and Diona (healer).
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Bloom Bountiful Core Team

Nilou has the special ability to change Bloom's reaction by producing special Dendro Cores called Bountiful Cores. In contrast to regular Dendro Cores, the Dendro DMG Bountiful Cores explosion is much faster and with a wider coverage.
To use this comp team, the main requirement is that you have to have one Nilou. Then this comp team must also consist of only 2 elements, namely Hydro (water) and Dendro.
If you use an element other than Bloom, the Bountiful Core effect will not be active. And you also need to use a healer because the Bountiful Core explosion effect also affects your character who is on-field.
The best recommended composition for the Comp Bloom Bountiful Core Team is Nahida (Main DPS), Nilou (Sub DPS), Yelan (Sub DPS), Baizhu (Healer).
This composition requires 4 limited five star characters which are quite expensive. For you F2P (Free To Play) players, there is an alternative Team Comp composition that you can use if you have Nilou, namely Nilou (Main DPS), Traveler Dendro (Sub DPS), Collei (Sub DPS) and Barbara (Healer).
Hyperbloom Team

Hyperbloom Team is a comp team that relies on three elemental reactions Hydro (water), Electro (electricity) and Dendro (plants). Hyperbloom requires precise rotation because it requires three elemental reactions simultaneously.
To use Team Comp Hyperbloom, you need one Electro character with a build that focuses on Element Mastery (EM) then Dendro and Hydro characters.
Hyperbloom really has a lot of character options compared to other comp teams. Apart from expensive comp teams containing 4 limitid 5 star characters, there are many f2p 4 star character options that can be used for Hyperbloom
Hyperbloom Team's recommendations for the best character composition are: Nahida (Main DPS), Raiden Shogun (Sub DPS), Yelan (Sub DPS), Kokomi (Healer).
Meanwhile, the recommendations for Hyperbloom's F2P Comp Team are Kuki Shinobu (Main DPS), Yao (Support) and Barbara (Healer).
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Rational Team

Team Comp Rational is a team that has the composition of the Raiden character and the National Team. Therefore it is called Rational (Raiden National).
This team has overload and vaporize reaction elements. Overload is an elemental reaction that occurs from electricity and fire, while the elemental vaporize reaction occurs from the reaction of water and fire.
If you look at the name alone, this Comp Team definitely has a character lineup, namely Raiden Shogun (Main DPS), Xiangling (Sub DPS), Xinqiu (Sub DPS), Bennett (Support). The replacement character for Team Rational, namely Xinqiu, can be replaced by Yelan who can deal more damage.
You can also replace Xinqiu with Kokomi as a Hydro Applicator character option but can provide an attack buff by using the TTDS catalyst weapon and the Tenacity of The Millelith artifact.
The advantages of this Rational comp team are that it does great and consistent damage, doesn't require a lot of investment for each character, uses 3 elements so it is quite effective against enemies in the Spiral Abyss.
Vaporize National Team
The next recommendation is Team Comp Vaporize National. Yes, this team still relies on the National team which consists of Xiangling, Bennett, Xinqiu but it is not like the Rational team which is obliged to bring Raiden Shogun. The Vaporize National Team is quite flexible for its Main DPS characters compared to the Raiden National Team.
Vaporize National Team recommendations that you can use are Hu Tao (Main DPS), Xiangling (Sub DPS), Xingqiu (Sub DPS) and Bennett (Support).
There are substitute characters that you can use to replace Hu Tao because Hu Tao requires playing with low HP. You can use Childe as Main DPS and no longer need to worry about Health Points.
Team Vaporize National has the same advantage as team Rational, namely that it doesn't require a lot of investment for each character because it requires 4 star characters which are easy to get.
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So, those are the recommendations for 5 Team Comp Genshin Impact based on their reaction elements. What do you think, are you interested in trying Team Comp?
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