There are a number of Balmond counter heroes Mobile Legends: Bang Bang which you can use in the game.
Balmond is a hero with a Fighter role who is quite sick and annoying when he has to face him in the Land of Dawn.
For those of you who are looking for recommendations for heroes that you must try as counter heroes for the sickest Balmond 2024, below is a list of heroes that you can use!
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List of Counter Balmond Heroes

Below, the author will recommend hero counter Balmond. Just take a look at the list of heroes below, okay?

One of the first sick Balmond hero counters was Nathan. This hero is very suitable to be used to win the match against Balmond.
From his passive skill, namely Theory of Everything, Natan gets increasing Attack Speed. If Natan or his Reverse-Clone is hit by an enemy with this skill, he will get 1 Stack Entanglement.
Each stack will increase Attack Speed by 15% and Movement Speed by 7.5% for 5 seconds.
Skill 1 is Superposition which can shoot dense energy by throwing 200 (+180% Total Physical Attack and 120% Total Magic Power) towards nearby heroes.
Apart from that, Natan's cooldown gets shorter as levels increase. But if Balmond is in the area, Natan will immediately take damage.
Now, for skill 2, namely Interference, it will launch a gravitational magnet which can drag Balmond when he meets or does something in an area, then this Interference will explode, giving Balmond a knockback and of course also getting Magic Damage from Natan.
In his ultimate. Natan himself is quite unique because he is able to clone himself. He can use Reverse-Clone which will last up to 8 seconds at a distance of 8 yards only.
Later, Natan's twin will get 30% which comes from his attack attribute and will duplicate the movement of Balmond who attacked him. Very cool, isn't it Nathan? Therefore, Natan is very suitable to use to counter Balmond!

Next there is Lylia. Who says that this Mage hero can't fight Balmond? It turns out he is also a very suitable hero to use to counter Balmond, you know!
Lylia has Magic Damage which is quite painful, you know. Apart from that, he is a hero who is quite agile like Nana guys because he has the Escape Mechanism feature in his Ultimate skill.
When she has run away, Lylia will come back with her cell phone fully charged which doesn't require her to make a recall.
It turns out, Lylia also plays a very active role, especially in Team Fight which will give her an AoE plus slow effect which will make it difficult for her enemies to move.
From his Passive skill, namely Angry Gloom which will add Movement Speed of 15% from the 'Gloom' buff. If the 'Gloom' Level increases, the Movement Speed will also increase by 5%.
So, with skill 1, namely Magic Shockwave, Lylia will release her Attack Wave into the area she has targeted and deal 250 Magic Damage plus 100% Total Magic Power accompanied by a slow effect of 40% for 1.5 seconds.
Then, skill 2 is Shadow Energy which allows Lylia to see areas that Balmond often passes by during the game and it is very fitting that this skill can be thrown at certain areas near Balmond so that it will give Magic Damage plus Slow of 80%.
Her Ultimate Skill, namely Black Shoes, sometimes makes Balmond quite annoyed because with Lylia she can run away and replenish her HP which had previously been reduced with the addition of 10% Max HP.
Apart from that, with Black Shoes you can increase Movement Speed by 20% for just 2 seconds and this will work when you have low HP.

One of the Tank heroes who can counter Balmond in the Land of Dawn is Barats the Dino Rider! It turns out, it is also quite unique and very effective when used against Balmond, you know!
From his passive skills, namely Big Guy, Barats and Detona (Dino), he will give big damage to Balmond.
Where Detona himself will get 1 stack from Big Guy which lasts for 12 seconds and each stack.
From skill 1, namely So-Called Team Work, Detona will produce Contaminated Oil in front of him and will give 60% (+8% Total HP) Physical Damage to Balmond so that it will cause a slow effect of 30% which lasts for 1 second.
Later, Barats will also throw a Firecracker towards Contaminated Oil which will give 120 (+170% Total Physical Attack) to Balmond who is within one range.
From his Skill 2, namely Missile Experts, he is able to fire his Missile into the area he determines and when he has landed.
Later, this skill will produce a burst of fire that will come out and will give 200 (125% Total Physical Attack) to Balmond who is in one Missile area and is pulled towards him.
By using his ultimate skill, Detona's Welcome, Detona will make Balmond unable to move in 1 area for 1.5 seconds and will cause a suppress effect on Balmond for 1 second.
Later, Barats will be immune from crowd control and will not be able to move freely, but he can still change his movements.
When he meets Balmond or another hero, Barats will deal 150% (+80% Total Physical Attack) and +1.5% Total HP Physical Damage and will have a STUN effect for 1 second.

One of the Mage/Support heroes who is considered to be a hero counter to Balmond is Nana! Even though his body is very small, it turns out he can be relied on to beat the big Balmond, you know!
Nana has quite a lot of Magic Damage and this skill can slow Movement Speed due to its slow effect on her enemies.
With a complete skill package, it makes it difficult for Nana to be defeated by other heroes, you know, because one of her advantages is that she can still run away from her enemies even though her HP is starting to get low thanks to her passive skills.
From Molina's Gift as a passive skill, it will turn Nana transparent after being exposed to quite dangerous damage from her enemy and apart from that, her Movement Speed reaches 70% so she can escape from Balmond and she will also recharge her HP 10%.
Skill 1, namely Magic Boomerang, released by Nana, will then throw a boomerang containing magic with the power of an AoE skill which will have a slow effect in the Balmond area.
This Magic Boomerang will deal 220 Magic Damage plus 110%. Total Magic Damage and Slow Effect to the enemy is 40% for 1 second.
Then, with Molina Smooch as Skill 2, Nana is her debuff skill. From his Magic Skill, Molina has a range area, but if the enemy just passes through that area, Molina will approach and change Balmond into Molina.
Molina Smooch will drain 80 Mana with a Cooldown of 14.5 seconds, apart from that it will also deal 250 Magic Damage and 50% Total Magic Power which will change Balmond if he is hit.
Another advantage is that it can provide a slow effect of 50% and will reduce Magic Defense by 25%.
By using his Ultimate skill, Molina Blitz, he will summon Molina and her giant footprint magic to the targeted area to cause Burst Damage and STUN to Balmond.
So, Molina Blitz will issue 3 giant footprint attacks which will produce 400 points of Magic Damage plus 180% Total Magic Power to the Balmond area.
Apart from that, Molina Blitz will give a slow 50% effect for 1 second and will also get a STUN effect for 1 second in the area targeted by Nana.

One of the fighter heroes who is considered reliable to be Balmond's counter in Mobile Legends is Dyrroth. This hero has great damage, especially when he is still in the early game, accompanied by abilities ranging from blink skills to crowd control skills.
The passive skill, Wrath of The Abyss, functions if Dyrroth's Rage has reached 50%, then skill 1 (Brust Strike) and skill 2 (Spectre Step) will continue to be strengthened.
This basic attack will provide a critical strike and 140% Total Physical Attack damage and will also reduce the cooldown of Brust Strike and Specter Step for 1 second when it is hit by Balmond.
From skill 1, namely Brust Strike, you can throw the brust strike in the targeted direction and will produce an explosion from this skill which will give 200 (+60% Total Physical Attack) which will give a slow effect of 25%.
Then, skill 2, namely Specter Step, will blink in the targeted direction and will give damage of 230 (+60% Total Physical Attack) to Balmond and apart from that, this skill is usually used to hit the target and give damage plus 345 ( +120% Total Physical Attack) and physical defense will be reduced by 50%.
Lastly, his ultimate skill, Abysm Strike, makes Dyrroth attack towards the front and gives 650 (+250% additional Physical Attack) and gives a slow effect of 55%.
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Those are 5 recommendations regarding Balmond's sickest hero counters that you can rely on to fight Balmond in early 2024. Interested in using the hero above?
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