It's not just Pikachu who's become pokemon funniest. There are still some who have adorable looks in 2023.
Talking about Pokemon is endless and always a fun topic for fans.
In general, Pokémon in games and anime are always stronger than even the regular Pokémon to the cool ones because of their origins. But there are also some characters that are so cute and funny that you'll want to own them right away.
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Here are five of the funniest Pokemon that the author has chosen among the many existing characters.
List of Funniest Pokemon
All of the lists below are relative and are only the author's personal views. But most fans really like these five characters.

There are currently two types of Vulpix, namely the first generation Vulpix and Vulpix Alolan in Pokemon Sun Moon. They both have the same appearance but have different abilities even though the first generation Vulpix is fire type while Alolan Vulpix is ice type.
The source of the humor is in her cute face and her 6 unique tails (not the anime next door though hehe). Vulpix will turn out to be a funnier, but better looking Ninetale.

Mudkip, is the cutest dual type (water and land) pokemon that can see water coming out of the fins on its head. in the anime, it obeys its owner Brock and sometimes becomes the middle pokemon when the others are fighting.
Mudkip was also a starter in the third generation of games and anime along with Torchic and Treecko. mudkip will evolve into Mashtomp then Swampert and can become Mega so this pokemon is not only cute but also strong.

Eevee managed to beat Pikachu as the funniest character in my opinion, even though it rarely happens in anime, in my opinion Eevee is a pokemon that you can fall in love with.
Her eyes and mouth are very beautiful, plus the hair on her beautiful neck. Eevee evolves into different types based on their elemental stones. and evolution is no small joke.

When the second generation was introduced, a lot of new pokemon came. One of the scariest but still beautiful newcomers is Dunsparce.
He is a snake-like creature with beautiful eyes.
Although it is known to hide in places full of sand and dirt, Dunsparce is the cutest type of Pokémon without evolution.
This thing may seem harmless and has no ability to fight, but the little creature has many useful and powerful things that it has learned from its experiences in the forest.
Along with powerful moves like Body Slam and Double-Edge, Dunsparce can also learn Rock, Ground, Flying, and Dragon type moves at critical levels.
Also read: How to Evolve Charcadet in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Talking about the cutest types of water pokemon, there are lots of types of wild animals that are considered cute. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that there are so many fun water activities. What stands out is Azumarill.
Dressed in bubble wrap with bunny ears, Azumarill is very friendly and approachable. Unfortunately, he has a power that can destroy anyone if underestimated.
His body is his greatest weapon, being able to cut damage and attack those who increase his strength and rely on strong defense in battle.
Also read: The Most Beautiful Fire Type Pokemon Starter Collection!
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