Aloha Vicigers! This time we will discuss the 4 best types of grenades and their specifications. Curious, right? Come on, let's see the info!
In games PUBG (Player Unknown's Battleground), there are several kinds of equipment tactical which can be used by each player in making a profit. One of them is tools throwables like grenades.
Please note, before you just take it grenades, you have to know in advance the type and each of its functions. Equipment tactical like grenades This has a fairly important role as well as the weapons you are looking for at the time looting.
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To get fourth grenades it's quite easy, you just need to search or do looting at some point in folder.
Types and Specifications

As previously explained, in PUBG itself there are various kinds grenades which will help you to repel enemies. Therefore, it is important for the player know the types grenades contained in games This PUBG.
By knowing the types of each grenades that is used, will make you more pro in using it so that you know where and when is the right time to use it all grenade items the.
In games made by Tencent, there are four of them grenades with different characteristics of each Grenade-is what you must know. Among them, namely:
Frag Grenades

Frag is the most common type of grenade found in the PUBG game. Frag This has its own meaning, which is a grenade that can produce an explosion as far as a radius of 5 m.
Apart from its long reach, Frag also can provide damage which is big on enemies up to 100 RP. Frag This is suitable for blowing up a building that has an enemy in it.
How to use Frag it needs to pre-cook for a few seconds. Thus, when this grenade is thrown it will immediately cause a great explosion so that the enemy cannot move. Make sure you take items this one yes!
The full specifications of Frag this is, has a throw time of 1.3 seconds, with duration cooldown for 1 second, have fire delay for 0.4 seconds, and has an activation time limit of 0 seconds.
Frag Grenades It can explode in less than 5 seconds.
Molotov Cocktails

The other types of grenades are, Molotov Cocktails. This type of grenade will produce an explosion like any other grenade and can deliver damage on the enemy. If this grenade is thrown, it will give damage per second for the enemy hit by the fire.
not like Frag which must be matured first, Molotov Cocktails this is different. If Molotov Cocktails thrown, the grenade will automatically explode upon impact or if it lands on the ground.
The more complete specifications owned by Molotov Cocktails it's almost like Frag except Molotov Cocktails it has an activation time limit of 5 seconds. Final, Molotov Cocktails have explosion delay for 5 seconds.
Stun Grenades

This type of grenade does not produce an explosion like the previously mentioned grenades. Stun this serves to make the enemy's sight and hearing blurry and lost.
This grenade is very suitable for you guys player who want to escape if the situation is urgent. In addition to escaping, this grenade is suitable as a strategy to attack the enemy suddenly.
The effect of this grenade has a time of approximately 10 seconds. This is enough if you want to use this grenade to escape or to attack your opponent.
The specifications owned by Stun this, that is, have throw time as much as 1.3 seconds, with duration cooldown for 1 second, then have fire delay as much as 0.4 seconds with activation time limit by 0 seconds.
Stun Grenades it has a detonation delay of 2.5 seconds.
Smoke Grenades
tactical items more that you can find in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds this is Smoke Grenades. This grenade itself has an effect that can emit thick enough smoke.
This grenade is suitable for covering tracks if you are trying to escape from enemies. The smoke emitted by smoked this is around 40 seconds. With that long, of course you can run quickly from enemy attacks, right?
The more complete specifications regarding this grenade, namely having throw time for 1.3 seconds, with duration cooldown for 1 second, have fire delay for 0.4 seconds with an activation time limit of 5 seconds, and explosion delay for 5 seconds.
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