Mobile Legends has become a very popular game in recent years. The developers of this game have provided many interesting things, the goal is to make players feel more comfortable playing Mobile Legends. And one of the great things about is raw border ML.
The ML border is a frame that decorates your Mobile Legends profile photo or avatar. This border will make your Mobile Legends profile look even cooler.
And until the 28th season, a lot of raw ML borders have been released. The borders are divided into 4 types, namely Collectibles Border, Event Avatar Borders, Skin Avatar Border, and Community Avatar Border.
So, for those of you who want to know more about ML border raw, let's look at the discussion below!
Collectibles Border

Collectibles Border is a border that you can get by reaching a certain tier rank. For example, when you reach Legend rank, you will get a special border reward for Legend rank.
So, this type of border can be a border that you can get for free. However, of course to get it you must be able to reach a certain tier rank first.
Border Collectibles start from the lowest rank, namely Warrior, Elite, Master, Grand Master, Epic, Legend, and Mythic. So, is your Collectibles Border complete?
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Event Avatar Border

This type of border is the most numerous border in Mobile Legends. Because every time you hold an event, Mobile Legends always includes border items in it.
However, you can get not all Avatar Border Events. That's because most of these types of borders have a time limit to get them. So, you have to be quick to get this type of border.
Some examples of famous Avatar Border Events include Summer Avatar Border, Trick Master Avatar Frame, Christmas Avatar Border, 2018 Valentine's Day Avatar Border – Male & Female, 2019 Starlight Member Edition, 515 Party Avatar Border, and many more.
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Border Avatar Skins

Among the four types of raw ML borders, Skin Avatar Border is the most expensive and difficult to obtain border.
To be able to get this type of border, you must first top up diamonds, then buy a hero skin or take part in a gacha event related to the skin border you want to get.
For example, you want to get VENOM skin border. To get it you must have at least 3 to 5 hero skins from VENOM.
Some of the famous Avatar Border Skins include Miya Modena Butterfly Skin Avatar, Gord Conqueror Skin Avatar Border, SABER, KOF Avatar Border, VENOM, S20 First Recharge Avatar Border, 2021 Starlight Exclusive Edition, and many more.
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Community Avatar Border

Community Avatar Border is a special border that you can get when actively participating in Mobile Legends community events.
To be able to get Community Avatar Border, you must take part in community events, take part in giveaways, and become an influencer in the community.
Some of the famous Community Avatar Borders include Super Fan Avatar Border, 2019 Universal Carnival, Street Association, MLBB Star Influencer, MLBB VNG's Birthday Avatar Border, Become Legend, and many more.
Also read: Scrim ML: Definition, Benefits, and How to Do It
Thus our discussion this time regarding the four types of ML border raw materials. Don't forget to stay updated with the latest info about games, technology, and gadgets only at VCGamers News.
For those of you who want to get a skin border, you can first top up Mobile Legends diamonds at VCGamers Marketplace Formerly!