As many as four esports branches will be canceled for the 2021 SEA Games in Vietnam some time to come.
This is known based on Minutes No: 012/PB-ESI/BTNE-IV/2022 regarding decisions related to 4 match numbers (AOV, LOL PC, LOL WR Men, LOL WR Women) which are circulating in cyberspace.
One of them is uploaded on an Instagram account @lambe_wildriftid.
The minutes stated that a decision-making meeting had been held regarding the 4 competition numbers at the 2021 Vietnam SEA Games at Highgrounds Indonesia PIK, North Jakarta on April 1, 2022.
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4 Esport Sports Canceled for Vietnam 2021 SEA Games

There are four points in the minutes of the decision-making meeting regarding the 4 match numbers.
In point one, it was stated that the Indonesian Esports Executive Board (PBESI) through the National Team Agency held the championship and National Selection prior to the National Training Center.
From this process, athletes were produced from 9 games (10 match numbers) which will then be focused on preparing for the 2021 Vietnam SEA Games Esports competition.
Furthermore, in point 2 the results of the selection from Stage I of the National Training Center were submitted and presented for review to the National Sports Achievement Improvement Team of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (PPON Team) Kemenpora consisting of Academics, Practitioners, KOI representatives and representatives KONI.
Point 3 states that the Kemenpora PON review team chaired by Prof Dr Asmawi has carried out a review related to the sport of Esports.
However, due to limited quotas and team sizes sent to the Vietnam SEA Games 2021, PPON Kemenpora decided that the sports branch would only be given a quota to send 38 athletes from 6 match numbers and 12 accredited officials to the 2021 Vietnam SEA Games.
Then it was also conveyed that the results of the review had been confirmed by the Minister of Youth and Sports on March 30, 2022.
In point 4 it is stated that from these results, PBESI and the National Team Agency apologized and with a heavy heart decided not to continue the 2021 SEA Games National Training Center program in the following match numbers:
- Arena of Valor
- League of Legends
- League of Legends Wild Rift Men
- League of Legends Wild Rift Women.
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Open Voice National Team Agency

Head of the National Team Agency, RM Ibnu Sulistyo Riza Pradipto also spoke about this.
He conveyed a number of points in response to the news that 4 numbers from esports had not departed.
Ibnu Riza conveyed this through uploading his Instagram story.
The following is what Ibn Riza said:
- That this also happens to all sports, not only esport; for the SEA Games this time there were 14 sports that did not go.
- There are mechanisms and rules stipulated by the Menpora through the PPON review team consisting of sports experts, academics, KOI, KONI to assess and determine which number/sports will go or not; so it is not the authority of PB ESI in determining the departure number.
- International sports events such as the Sea Games, Asian Games use the state budget so there are binding restrictions and rules. So, PB ESI cannot depart independently due to the policy regulations from the Ministry of Youth and Sports.