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Top 3 Reasons You Should Get Hayato Firebrand in FF

hayato firebrand

Hi Vicigers! In this article, we will discuss the latest information about the Hayato Firebrand character, and why you really need to get this character.

As we have known for a long time, Free Fire always give players a lot of deep character games who has unique skills to help the gamers in battle.

Hence, the characters inside games itself plays an important role in the game. One of updates The most interesting thing from Free Fire is the arrival of a new character, namely Hayato Awakening or better known as Hayato Firebrand!

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Hayato Firebrand is one of the well-known characters in Free Fire as a character that was upgraded from Hayato's self-version to become stronger and has an active ability called Art of Blades.

Fortunately, players can upgrades Hayato's character for free by completing a mission called "Awakening". Hayato is already an excellent character for aggressive players in Clash Squad mode. Here are three reasons why players should very have this character. Let's check this out!

Hayato Firebrand ability

hayato firebrand

Hayato's character users must be very interested new arrival Hayato Firebrand's Awakening character with skills new.

Hayato's passive ability is also known as Bushido. In fact, Hayato Bushido has a way of playing that can be considered quite dangerous.

The reason is, when the remaining blood a little more, skills This passive will increase armor penetration. As previously mentioned, skills this can also beupgrades to the elite version.

If you are not good enough at shooting, you will die first before trying this Hayato Bushido skill, Hehehe.

In the rules of playing Free Fire, as the level increases skills Hayato, the amount of armor penetration received by the enemy will automatically increase. That way, Hayato can kill enemies when they are critical.

Unlike Hayato Firebrand, he has a passive ability called Art of Blades. This ability maintains Hayato's initial strength while reducing frontal damage by 1% for every 10% of maximum HP lost.

That is, this character can reduce damage from the enemy for 35% within 6 seconds, and have cool down for 50 seconds.

The way these two characters play will of course be very different where Bushido requires its players to play aggressively, while Firebrand gives its players a chance to escape.

Best Skill Combination

skills what is very suitable for players with a barbarian spirit is none other than Art of Blades. Therefore, things can be done to maximize skills these are the players need to mix it up with skills other characters that really support the bar bar player type.

His passive skills to increase armor penetration and reduce frontal damage can be paired with DJ Alok's increased movement speed and healing abilities.

As for some tips that Vicigers friends can adopted. For example, hat trick skills Luqueta who increases HP, and Joseph who can accelerate his running speed when he is hit damage.

You can also reduce the vulnerability of the Vest when you receive damage from the enemy by combining it with Andrew's skill.

Apart from the combination options skills above, Vicigers friends can also combine Art of Blades skills with skills other skills such as Hayato Bushido and Kelly Awakening deadlyvelocity.

In addition, with Antonio's additional HP at the end of each round and Jota's HP restoration with every kill at once, it can be a deadly combo for Clash Squad mode.

In this way, players can try other unique combos with Elite Hayato to get an extra edge in the match battle royale also.

extra damage and HP Gains

Hayato Firebrand has an extraordinary skill that can increase damage penetration of the opponent's armor every time he receives damage.

When Hayato Firebrand accepted damage this, the enemy's armor penetration can be instantly increased, this allows him to take down players at a faster rate.

Hayato Firebrand's skill will also help in protection by reducing frontal damage. As a result, Hayato Firebrand's HP does not run out quickly, and players get the HP advantage.

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