Hello Vicigers, in this article we will discuss the Brimstone Lineup on the Icebox Map. This guide shows three different examples of how Brimstone can use his Incendiary abilities to have extraordinary effects on the Icebox Valorant map. The former will use this ability to clear a position behind the B-site Box. The second line shows you how you can take advantage of this ability to land a molly in the top tier of Tube B. Finally, the third Brimstone molly shows how you can put a molly to heaven in the A-site of the Icebox map.
Brimstone's Incendiary ability is a zoning ability, the ability to damage over time, which lasts for approximately 8 seconds. Unlike Phoenix's 'Hot Hands' ability, Brimstone is able to bounce her Molly off walls and objects, allowing her to be used in creative ways.
Molly Brimstone lineup on Map Icebox!
Guide Molly Brimstone Site B

B-site Box: To get to this molly lineup, it's easiest to use the mouse button square, hovering over the blue circle in the image. Your team must clear the area, because you must position yourself in the B-cubby to do this lineup. When you setup the lineup, your teammates also need to protect you if an enemy player pushes your position.
After you set the crosshairs and mouse button box, this molly lineup will remove the position of the key behind the site box. It can be used very effectively as part of an execution to site B.
B Tubes: The second row that can be used at site B will erase the top of Tube B. This can be done from the same place as the previous row, positioning yourself opposite the B Cubby. This lineup can be a little tricky to perfect and of course takes practice. Once you get it, it can be used very effectively to remove other key positions on the site.

Alternating between two rows of burners to execute into the B-site will make it difficult for the enemy team to defend. It's good to know more than one lineup for each site.
Also read: Brimstone, the Super Controller Agent Currently In Act 3 Valorant!
Guide Molly Brimstone Site A

A Heaven: To do this lineup you need to position yourself in the box behind the Belt area of the Icebox map, as shown above. From there you need to place your crosshair on the right side of the window. This lineup will put Molly in the A Heaven area. This can be used to control ramp areas on the Belt, blocking potential threats. Burning arrays can also be used as part of an execution to site A.

This Molly Brimstone lineup if done in the Split map can be used very effectively in these different scenarios. We recommend that you go into private matches and practice it once or twice before trying to use it in ranked play.
If you enjoy playing Brimstone, be sure to check out our smoke guides for Haven, Bind, Split, Icebox and Ascent maps, as well as our other Incendiary guides for maps, Bind, Haven, Split and Ascent.
Now, this is a guide or tutorial for Molly Brimstone's lineup on the Icebox map. This guide is a reference for you Vicigers, and you can still experiment with other lineups in live games. You can also try other references from other pro players.
You can try it with special exercises with your friends and teammates in the practice map Valorant and select the Icebox map as your training map.
Thank you for reading this article and I hope you can practice this article right away in your matches or parties with your teammates. We hope that your matches will be even more exciting and can increase your rank up to Radiant!
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