BOTs In Game and World E-Sports Battle Royale
Aloha Vicigers! Who here often hears the word BOT in games or at games e-sports? BOT (Build Operate and Transferr) this is a system that works automatically and is programmed with the level of artificial intelligence.
Deep bots games will work in a way that resembles the behavior of a player played by someone, but in reality this BOT is operated by a system with an artificial intelligence level.
In battle royale games, BOT is no stranger to the players. Battle royale game what this means is one of them Free Fire.
In the Free Fire game, BOT is usually found at the start of the game, more precisely when we just landed folder what we play. Therefore, it seems that you Free Fire players have encountered BOT so often, right?
Why Should There Be BOT?
In general, BOT in games used to help new players adapt to the game they are playing. In battle royale games, especially Free Fire, BOT functions to fill room or less player slots.
If when you play Free Fire, but there aren't enough players, BOT will fill the empty slot.
In Free Fire, BOT is deep games often arise due to several factors, namely when players play on rank low. The higher the rank, the rarer you will find BOT in the game.
In addition there are also several other factors that affect the number of players and cause this BOT to appear, namely the election regions and hours of quiet play. If regions and the playing time is empty of players, BOT will automatically appear.
However, this BOT actually has several functions, you know, for the players. One of them is to be a quick way to increase your rank or rank player.
BOT is a player that is operated by the system, not operated by real players. So, it will be easier for us to fight BOT enemies than against real enemies.
By attacking and fighting BOT, of course it will increase the number kill what we do, and it can be easier to get promoted or rank our Free Fire account. Therefore, we also have to be better able to distinguish between BOT and player for real, here!
The difference between BOT and Real Players
From an explanation of BOT and BOT functions in games Free Fire, of course we have to know how the difference between BOT players and the difference is with real players. Come on, let's look at the following list!
damage inflicted when the BOT fires

In the Free Fire game, of course we will be faced with enemy resistance by shooting. Therefore, we must always be careful not to get a sudden attack that results knock.
To distinguish BOT or not, we can from the effects it causes. When BOT shoots, the effect on our players will be as big as the effect on real players shooting.
Player reaction when shot

Free Fire players will certainly try to kill, by attacking the enemy. But if when we find an enemy and shoot him, then the enemy doesn't put up a fight, we can be sure that the enemy is a BOT.
In general, players will take the fight or protect themselves by finding hiding places such as trees or entering buildings, or by counterattacking.
Jump around and run fast, BOT can't do it

If we find an enemy that never runs fast and doesn't jump around, it is certain that it is a BOT.
Real players tend to perform erratic behavior, for example sprinting then standing still, and the occasional jump. So if we find a player who moves suspiciously like not running fast, it's a BOT.
BOT is not in the house

Typically, deep BOT games will not enter the house. So it is very rare for us to find BOT enemies in the house
Therefore, if you find an enemy in the house, hurry up and fight and protect yourself because most likely it is a real player.
BOT never get on the vehicle

BOT cannot get into the vehicle. So that we will find lots of BOT who die as a result of being far from the safe zone and safe zone end.
Do not use attachments

Real players will use attachments on weapons, such as Scope, Grip, Muzzle and Magazine. This is definitely done for self-protection. But BOT in games never wear it.
So if found attachments in Loot Boxes but the player dies, you can be sure it's a BOT because the player doesn't use it attachments-his.
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