
New Valorant Ranking Distribution 2023

Published by
Sukmadara Arianti

For those of you who play Valorant, have you ever been curious about the distribution ranking on Valorants. Well, this time we will review the percentage.

Basically, this First-Person Shooter (FPS) game has a different way of measuring a rank and even the rank of the players.

It should be noted that every player must have a total Valorant rank, but it is possible that they also have an 'action rank' in each game. There is also another rank concept, namely 'rank rating' which is related to MMR.

However, this article will discuss the order of ranking distribution Valorant in this year 2023. What do you think?

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Valorant 2023 Rating Distribution

Distribution of Valorant Ratings

You need to know that in this Valorant game there is a competitive game mode. Mode games which is commonly referred to as rank mode.

So, in this rank or competitive mode, later the players will be given a special rank for the skill and rank in this competitive mode.

Then, what is the goal? The aim of this competitive mode is to fight enemies who have the same skills as you so you can experience the game against yourself.

If you are a newbie, maybe you should play 10 unrated games to unlock competitive mode so you can get a certain rank.

According to several sources, this is the most accurate ranking distribution for Valorant in 2023:

  • iron 1: 0.3%
  • Iron 2: 1.3%
  • Iron 3: 3.7%
  • Bronze 1: 4.2%
  • Bronze 2: 5.8%
  • Bronze 3: 5.9%
  • Silver 1: 7.5%
  • silver 2: 7.0%
  • silver 3: 7.5%
  • gold 1: 7.7%
  • Gold 2: 7.0%
  • Gold 3: 6.7%
  • Platinum 1: 6.6%
  • Platinum 2: 5.5%
  • Platinum 3: 5.0%
  • Diamonds 1: 4.7%
  • Diamonds 2: 3.7%
  • Diamonds 3: 3.0%
  • Ascendant 1: 2.5%
  • Ascendants 2: 1.7%
  • Ascendants 3: 1.1%
  • Immortals 1: 0.9%
  • Immortals 2: 0.3%
  • Immortals 3: 0.2%
  • Radiants: 0.03%
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Overall Valorant Rating

(Source: Valo Settings)

Reporting from gameriv, this is the overall valorant rank in 2023. What are you waiting for?

  • Iron: 5.3%
  • Bronze: 15.9%
  • silver: 22%
  • Golds: 21.4%
  • Platinum: 17.1%
  • Diamonds: 11.4%
  • ascendants: 5.3%
  • immortals: 1.4%
  • Radiants: 0.03%
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Valorant Rank Rules

Rank Distribution

Do you want to get a rank in Valorant's competitive mode? Of course you have to reach level 20.

If you reach level 20, don't worry, you will be able to play competitive mode in Valorant!

In each episode, later you have to complete five matches. However, in act 2 and act 3 for one episode you only need to play it once. Well, later this rank will be reset every round.

As we know, Valorant can also play in competitive mode in a team with different ranks.

However, there are things you need to do if you play multiplayer or with friends:

  • One group cannot be 4 people.
  • One group must have a different rank.
  • The group must contain 5 people, but this will affect your final rank later.

If you have a difference in rank, rule in one group if you have two or three people. This means that the order is the lowest Iron or Bronze and the highest is Silver.

But if the situation is reversed, the lowest position is the lowest Silver, Gold, then Platinum is the highest.

In addition, if the lowest rank is Platinum, Ascendant, Immortal and even Radiant, then the highest is Diamond 2.

So, this rule will eventually become the rank penalty in Valorant.

Also read: Recommended 5 Valorant Tracker 2023

That's information about Rank Valorant Distribution for June 2023. Don't forget to Top Up Valorant Radianite Points at VCGamers Marketplace definitely cheap, easy and fast, huh!

Sukmadara Arianti