Counters Nathan at games Mobile Legends especially when playing on classic or ranked can overwhelm you. The reason, Nathan has the ability to produce physical and magic damage which is almost similar to heroes Kimmy.
Player Mobile Legends too usually build Nathan with emblems and items which hybrid, can be more towards physical or magic. Natan is also usually placed in position gold lane, grip position marksmen, in order to jungling and so OP. FYI, Natan is also a candidate for meta in this season you know.
When is the best moment for counters Nathan? Anyone heroes the one that can counters Nathan? Here's a review of 16 heroes which you can use so movement speed, physical and magic damage Nathan is so useless.
16 Heroes Counters The Most Popular Natan VVCGamers Version

in first position, heroes the one that can counters Nathan is Kaja. If you use Kaja, it means you will face each other head-to-head aka tough fight magic damage specifically.
Advantages of using Kaja for counters Nathan is stat Kaja is better at that magic damage from Nathan. skills 1 Kaja can slow Natan's movement when he uses skills passive.
If Nathan uses skills 1 and 2 are to attack enemies from afar, you cancounters Nathan using skills ultimate Kaja or skills its 2. If Natan runs away, make sure you can access it ultimate so that Natan gets trapped by Kaja's 'deadly pull'.

In second, there's Granger for counters Nathan at classic or ranked. You can really take advantage of it skillsetwhich is almost similar to Nathan. The reason is, Granger also has long-range attacks with a wide range.
Advantages of using Granger for counters Nathan is physical damage what can you stack up to 6 bullets with skills passive. For example, you managed to hit Nathan with basic attacks and skills 1 and 2 Grangers.
Granger's sixth bullet will transform normal damageso critical damage, and this will be very painful for Natan especially if you use build Right Granger.
Ulti Granger can too head-to-head with ultimate Nathan. Use ultimate Granger so that Nathan can be killed more quickly.
Also read: Granger's Best Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2021

In third hero counter Nathan and Atlas tankers with magic damage that can paralyze Nathan. Using Atlas tocounters Natan means slowing down Natan's mobility by making use of skills passive Atlas.
Nathan has skills which can speed up attack speedher, while Atlas had the ability to reduce movement speed and attack speed. Take advantage skills Atlas to slaughter Nathan with MOBILE PHONEits quite thick.
You can also spam skills 1 and 2 so that Atlas will be faster and Nathan will be slower. Close it counters you with ultimate Atlas to keep Nathan from moving.

Heroes counters The fourth Natan is Paquito. Unlike Kaja, if you use Paquito, you can maximize it crit and physical damageso that he can compete one on one with Natan. However, you should always stay at a safe distance in order countersit can be effective.
You can use skills 2 Paquito to reduce the distance with Nathan. After that, use skills 1st and ultimate (if you have access ultimate) so natan hit physical damage which is pretty decent.
What if Nathan attacks with skills 1, 2 and ulti-his? You can be enough poke course, then back off, dodging both skills it with movement speed Paquito, then repeat the above.
Key counters Natan with Paquito is close combat while deadly speed Nathan.
Also read: The Latest Paquito Emblem and Build in Mobile Legends, Get More Kills!
Yu Zhong

Heroes fifth for counters Natan is Yu Zhong, who you can use for heroes specialist ambush Nathan. Just like Paquito, Yu Zhong must be able to keep his distance from Natan. Yu Zhong will rely on bursts damagehis sick one to hunt down and kill Nathan.
skills You can use 1 Yu Zhong when you manage to dodge skills 1 and 2 Nathan. skills 2 Yu Zhong has the ability to slow down movement Natan, so you can use skills 1 for poke, followed by skills 2 to attack Nathan.
Ulti You can use Yu Zhong as ambush for counters Nathan. Take advantage of the bushes so you can surprise Nathan with ultimate Yu Zhong.
There will be damage added when Nathan was thrown due to the effect ultimate Yu Zhong that you can use for ganking Natan with your teammates.

Claude placed sixth for counters Nathan. If you use Claude, you will apply the same strategy as Granger. The difference is, you'll probably meet Natan at lanes the same, because Claude was also a specialist gold lane like Nathan.
skills 1 Claude can make Nathan lose attack speedher so that Claude could win the contest basic attacks when dealing with Nathan. skills 2 Claude can make him switch places with his clone, and you can use it to chase Natan if Claude's position is right.
If Nathan uses skills 2 to attract Claude, you can counters with skills 1 then use skills 2 so that Claude switches places with his clone.
Ulti Natan can also make him switch places with his clone, so you have to pay attention timings skills Claude, or counters with ultimate Claude.
Also read: 5 Pro Tips for Using Claude Mobile Legends Properly

Assassins this one takes seventh place for counters Nathan. Benedetta will rely on her ability to shut down Natan's moves in the arena with skillset-his.
skills 2nd and ultimate You can use Benedetta when Natan uses skills 2 or ultimateto trick you. skills 2 Benedetta can make him immune to CC temporary ultimate Benedetta can make him immune to all kinds of attacks and slow down movement speed.
More options, skills 1 Benedetta can also be used to slow down Natan when on target. Even if skills this miss, you still have a chance to escape from Nathan.

Heroes counters The eighth Natan is Hylos, who can ward off Nathan with magic damage and effects skillsetso that it makes it difficult for Natan to get close to Hylos.
Hylos can spam skills 1 and 2 so Nathan won't have to deal with them basic attacks Hylos, which can also be used for your teammates to slay Natan. Furthermore, Hylos could be aggravating movement speed Nathan with ultimateher, as long as Natan is in the area ultimate Hylos.
If Nathan is after Hylos, don't worry. Hylos has quite a lot MOBILE PHONE and abilities heal which is okay so the chances of Hylos surviving Natan are quite high. However, it's good if you also hunt Natan and kill him movementand become an easy target for your team.

Ling is hero counter Natan specializes in wall jumping in arenas. It's guaranteed that Natan will have a hard time escaping from Ling because of this ability. The condition is, you must first memorize the walls that are on folder so you can combine it with skills Other Lings.
For example, Nathan uses skills 1 and 2 to attract Ling. Use skills 1 Ling to jump on the wall and determine timings to use skills 2.
If it's successful, continue with ultimate Ling so that Natan would be even more confused with Ling's position while reducing MOBILE PHONE-his. Make sure you are proficient at using Ling before ranked because skills 1 Ling is a bit difficult to master.
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Style of play heroes counters This Natan is almost similar to Paquito. The difference, Chou has skills which makes him immune to CC is at the same time blink skills. If Natan is far enough away from Chou, you can use it skills 2 so they can catch up with Nathan.
when using skills 2 Chou, you also don't have to worry about clustered opponents. Your opponent will be affected skills 2 and you can still go after Nathan, because skills 2 Chou made him immune from CC.
When you are close to Nathan, continue with basic attack, skills 1st and ultimate which left Nathan helpless for a while. Widen the distance again with Natan when he uses skills 2 or 1 so you don't get hit counterattack from Nathan.

Although little used by player, Dyrroth can counters Nathan with skillset-his. Like Granger, Dyrroth can too stack damage blessing skills passive can also be heroes dangerous in midgame, especially for Nathan.
skills 1 Dyrroth has the effect of slowing Natan's movement up to 50% if Dyrroth enters rage mode. What's worse, Dyrroth can also slow Natan down to 90% with skills its 2.
skills 2 Dyrroth can also be used to escape from enemy siege while slowing their Movement. Ulti Dyrroth has damage which hurts for Natan, and got CD which is pretty fast when Dyrroth is at max level. Guaranteed Natan will quickly be killed with skillset this.

Heroes with assassin skillsets which is quite unique and difficult to use this too counters Nathan. skills 1 and 2 Hanzo can counter Natan's moves and attacks from skills 1 and 2 Nathan.
Use skills 1 for Hanzo to get into demon mode with skillset different from mode usually. If you are not brave enough to approach Nathan, you can spam skills 2 Hanzos for stack demon blood and change it to demon mode.
demon mode Hanzo became mode good enough tocounters Nathan, especially from ultimate Nathan who can produce clones of Nathan and is used to move places.
If you are brave too, you can fight ultimate with Nathan because ultimate Hanzo is very vulnerable to use, especially if the situation is mild war or enter late game. So therefore, spam skills 1 and 2 Hanzo just so you can get in demon mode and continued to effectively slaughter Nathan.
Also read: Completely Peeled 3 Facts on How to Play Hero Hanzo, the Buff Thief!

Mage this one does counters Natan did well especially at the beginning of the match when Natan was calm farming. You can use skillset Eudora or annoying lanes Nathan at early game for Nathan to be overwhelmed upgrading skills-his.
skills 1 and 2 Eudora are powerful enough to trap Natan so he can't move freely and can be attacked directly by Eudora or your teammates. If Nathancounters skills 1 and 2 Eudora, you are enough poke then reply with skills 2 Eudora to get Nathan hit stun.
Next, you can attack Nathan with skills 1 or ultimate Eudora so damage the stronger it is produced.

If you use Aurora for counters Natan, you will play as Natan's bully and as heroes support attack in midgame.
Whole skillset You can use Aurora, both passive and active, to annoy Natan. Aurora's strengths also lie in its long range attacks which can paralyze Natan, so you don't need to be afraid of being hit skills Nathan.
skills 1, 2 and ultimate Aurora can make Nathan not move, especially if Nathan moves from jungle to offlane. In that position, Aurora can benefit more because she has a good ability to adapt to that position. Turn off Natan's movement with ultimate aurora.
Also read: Aurora is Effective for Enemy's MM Lock!

Heroes fighters for counters Nathan is a victim debuffs Moonton so it's not as popular as it used to be. But, skillset Silvanna was still able to effectively dispel it magic damage Nathan.
If Nathan plays run away, skills 2 Silvanna could pull it back at once got magic damage which is quite sick. You can proceed directly to skills 1 to get Nathan stun.
If Nathan uses skills 2 is to counter attack, you can use it ultimate Silvanna so Natan gets hit too damage. You can also use ultimate Silvanna from the bush to ambush Nathan.

Lastly, Martis can be an option for counters Nathan with Martis, fighter heroes whose popularity has declined to seasons yesterday. Using Martis for counters Natan means will take advantage truedamage from ultimate-his.
skills 1 and 2 Martis will be effective against Nathan, especially on early game until midgame. But if there is late game, Martis will be more OP and become a threat to Nathan.
You can start bothering Nathan at gold lane with emblems jungle then focus spam skills 1 and 2. Starting from midgame to late game, focus on reducing MOBILE PHONE Natan got under 50% so Martis could give truedamage to Nathan.
Also read: Martis Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends, Kill Enemies with One Slash!
That's 16 hero counter Natan who will disrupt the movement and trap Natan both inside classic mode or ranked. Use heroes which you have mastered since 16 heroes that so counters His Nathan is getting better GG.