150 Cool ML Names 4 Japanese Letters and Their Meanings!
Want to have a unique and meaningful nickname in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang? Cool ML names with 4 Japanese letters and their meanings can be an option that you can use.
These names are inspired by Japan, ranging from natural elements, samurai to character names. anime . Although the name is short, it is very meaningful so it can make you look different when playing.
Usually the name is easy to remember and has a deep philosophy that can describe your playing style.
So, if you want to use a cool ML name with 4 Japanese letters and its meaning, make sure you choose a name that matches your character in the game.
In this article, we will discuss cool ML names with 4 Japanese letters and their meanings which are simple, unique and meaningful for you to use!
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Cool ML Names 4 Japanese Letters Kishin Densetsu – Angela 'Strings of Fate'. Source: Mobile Legends: Bang Bang/Youtube Name ML cool 4 Japanese letters is a name or nickname for the Mobile Legends game which consists of four letters and is inspired by Japanese.
These names are often used by players to reflect their character in the game, whether in terms of game style, personality or just wanting to look more unique than others.
The uniqueness of the cool ML name with 4 Japanese letters includes the following:
Short and Easy to Remember
If the name has four letters, it will usually be simpler and will help other players recognize you in the game.
Philosophical Meaning Japanese has many words with deep meanings.
Cool Vibe Many Mobile Legends players choose Japanese names because they have a cool vibe that is often associated with anime, samurai, ninjas and others.
Suitable for All Roles in Mobile Legends These names are suitable for all roles in Mobile Legends, both Assassins , Tank , Mage , Marksman or support .
List of Japanese 4 Letter ML Names Kishin Densetsu – Karrie 'Breath of Naraka'. Source: Mobile Legends: Bang Bang/Youtube Below are cool 4-letter Japanese ML names and their meanings that you can use in Mobile Legends!
Riku (陸): Land, earth, solid, stable and strong. Kaze (風): Wind, fast and agile. Tora (虎): Tiger, aggressive and tough. Kuro (黒): Black, mysterious and full of secrets. Aki (秋): Autumn, calm and wise. Yoru (夜): Night, silent but deadly. Sora (空): Sky, free and boundless. Haku (白): White, pure, symbolizes purity, strength and cleanliness. Ren (蓮): Lotus, elegant and calm. Shin (真): Truth, honest, god, strong, powerful, brave, careful, strategic and not rash. Rai (雷): Lightning, strong and thunderous. Toki (時): Time, intelligent and strategic. Miko (巫女): Priestess, sacred and powerful. Jiro (次郎): Second son, strong, symbol of balance and toughness. Left (霧): Mist, unpredictable and mysterious. Neko (猫): Cat, agile and clever. Saku (咲く): Blooming, developing, increasing and full of potential. Goro (五郎): Fifth child, has a leadership spirit. Baku (獏): Dreamy, unique and creative. Hito (人): Human, flexible and adaptive. Ryu (竜): Dragon, legendary and domineering and strong. Hana (花): Flower, beautiful, has strength and is gentle. Tomo (友): Friend, knowledgeable friend, loyal, always supports the team and can be relied on. Masa (正): Truth, discipline and strength. Yuki (雪): Snow, calm, courage, never giving up and cold but deadly. Suzu (鈴): Bell, cheerful and lively. Miki (美姫): A beautiful, graceful and elegant princess. Riko (理子): Pear, sweet, logical, strong character, intelligent and strategic. Hiro (広): Broad, open-minded. Tetsu (鉄): Iron, hard and unshakeable. City (光太): Great light, bright leader, always shining in the arena. Shou (翔): Flying, free, rising, ever-growing, growing stronger and limitless. Gaku (学): Knowledge, wisdom and strategy. Juna (純奈): Pure, gentle but strong, pure, strong, eternity, unaffected, not easily defeated and bright. Eito (栄翔): Glorious, triumphant, flying forever and ambitious. Hori (堀): Moat, strong protection. Kiyo (清): Pure, clean, honest and dedicated. Tama (玉): Jewel, precious, soul, strong, unyielding and unique. Yama (山): Mountain, solid and unshakeable. Sena (瀬名): Elegant, star, always shining in the team and graceful. Kazu (一): One, leader, harmony, always calm in the game and unique. Reki (歴): History, wise, calendar, always on time, accurate and full of experience. Rina (里奈): Beautiful village, simple but attractive, Beautiful, gentle, peaceful, calming but deadly and charming Hisa (久): Eternity, eternal and irreplaceable. Toru (徹): Determined, persistent and never give up. Aru (歩): Step, keep moving forward, exist, always exist, dominant and developing. Haru (春): Spring, full of hope, bright, and optimistic. Rena (怜奈): Smart, intelligent and strategic. Dai (大): Big, strong and authoritative. Jin (仁): Virtue, kind and has the spirit of a leader. Reo (怜央): Intelligent and has the soul of a leader. Sato (聡): Wise, intelligent and tactical. Hito (瞳): Eyes, sharp and full of intuition. Toru (徹): Persistent, never give up, transparent, unpredictable, penetrating, nothing can stop and disciplined. Mako (真子): Honest, sincere and kind. Nobu (信): Trustworthy, loyal and reliable. Taka (鷹): Eagle, agile and brave. City (浩太): Vast, thoughtful and innovative. Gaku (岳): Mountain, solid, knowledge, always learning, developing and unshakeable. Ryo (涼): Cool, calm and clear-minded. Enzo (円蔵): Circle of good fortune, prosperity. Juro (寿郎): Long life, tough and persistent. Tetsu (哲): Wise, great thinker, iron, strong and not easy to collapse. Kaen (火炎): Fire, burning and passionate. Mizu (水): Water, flexible and intelligent. Shou (勝): Victory, always being the best. Eiji (英治): Glory, great leader. Fumi (文): Literary, intelligent and knowledgeable. Sumi (墨): Ink, full of creativity, enduring, expert in survival Sora (蒼空): Blue sky, vast and boundless. June (純二): Pure and sincere. Tani (谷): Valley, humble but strong. Hoku (北): North, a strong direction. Ken (剣): Sword, sharp and aggressive. Roka (狼火): Wolf fire, wild and strong. Yasu (安): Peaceful, calm and balanced. Goru (護留): Protector, tough and loyal. Hisa (寿久): Eternity, lasting forever. Haji (肇): Beginning, leader in every game, always starting something new. Juyo (柔陽): Gentle sun, shining but calm. Ruru (瑠瑠): Jewel, precious and rare. Kane (鐘): Bell, thunderous, gold, precious and powerful. Megu (恵): Blessed, always lucky. Hiko (彦): Boy, heir to power, flying light, agile and hard to catch. Tami (民): People, strong and not easily defeated. Ichi (一): One, always being the main or number one in the game. Horo (滅): Destroyer, dominant and deadly. Masa (正): Fairness, honesty and playing with strategy. Retsu (烈): Fierce, strong and not easily defeated. Fuku (福): Luck, always brings good luck. Roku (六): The number six, symbolizes balance. Hiso (秘): Secret, difficult for the opponent to guess. Geki (激): Intense, always playing with passion. Soru (空流): Air current, fast and agile. Naru (鳴): Voice, always influential in the team. Kiyo (清): Pure, honest and disciplined. Juro (十郎): Tenth, meaning perfect. Megu (芽具): Developing, always improving in the game. Hida (日田): The sun, full of energy and not easily extinguished. Hika (光歌): Light of song, illuminating and bringing harmony. Shun (俊): Fast, agile and always one step ahead. Aira (愛羅): Love and sky, always have a big heart. Tano (楽野): Fun, always enjoying the game. Roka (狼影): Shadow of a wolf, mysterious and fierce. Kiba (牙): Fangs, always ready to attack. Niko (二光): Two lights, a symbol of balance and strength. Soru (空流): Air flow, cannot be caught. Kiru (切): Cut, fast and sharp in attack. Tomi (富): Wealth, has many strategies. Reku (歴久): Historic, unforgettable. Fumi (文見): Knowledge and insight, intelligent in strategy. Hano (葉乃): Leaves, flexible but strong. Horo (炎狼): Fire wolf, fearless. Ruri (瑠璃): Gemstone, valuable and hard to beat. Tera (照): Shining, bringing the light of victory. Hano (羽野): Wings, symbolizing speed and freedom. Suzu (鈴): Bell, always audible and influential. Jogi (城義): Fortress and justice, strong and principled. Tobu (跳武): War leap, agile and full of action. Rets (烈): Fierce, always attacks without hesitation. Mori (森): Forest, calm but dangerous. Reno (蓮乃): Lotus, strong in all situations. Suga (菅): Wild grass, hard to defeat. Hisa (久): Long life, enduring to the end. Gami (神): God, ruler of every game. Yoru (夜): Night, moving in darkness. Hito (人): Human, intelligent in strategy. Nagi (凪): Calm, but can turn into a storm. Taro (太郎): Hero, true leader. Toki (時): Timing, always right on target. Zaku (咲久): Eternally blooming, ever growing. Maku (幕): Curtain, hard to predict its movements. Hiyo (日世): The sun of the world, always shining. Shun (瞬): Instant, attacks at high speed. Doku (毒): Poison, slow but deadly. Risa (理佐): Intelligent and full of strategy. Kiro (煌路): Shining path, always ahead. Yasu (安): Peaceful, calm but strong. Garu (牙流): A stream of fangs, fast and fierce. Seki (関): Gate, team's defensive guard. Hazu (羽津): Wings of wind, traveling at high speed. Kiyo (清) – Pure, always appears elegant in battle. Soru (疾) – Fast, moving like the wind Ryoz (涼): Cool, stay calm in all situations. Tomi (富): Rich, full of strategy and strength Jaki (邪鬼): A small, cunning and deadly demon. Teki (敵): Enemy, difficult to defeat and always challenging. Yami (闇): Darkness, depicts hidden power. Raik (雷): Lightning, fast and destroys opponents in an instant. Juro (寿郎): Child of good fortune, full of luck in battle. How to Change ML Name Kishin Densetsu – Lancelot 'Guardian of the Shrine'. Source: Mobile Legends: Bang Bang/Youtube Below is how to change the ML name, namely as follows:
Open the Mobile Legends game; Once in Home, click 'Profile'; Click on the 'Name/Nickname' section; Enter your new Mobile Legends Name/Nickname in the column provided; Click 'Ok'; Then there is a pop-up if you do not have a 'Name Change Card' and later you will be directed to the Shop to buy it, click 'Ok'; You must have 239 Diamonds to purchase the Name Change Card; Then click 'Ok' on the Name Change Card you want to purchase; Later it will return to the ML name rename column; Use Name Change Card and click 'Ok'; Done. Also read:
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