Free Fire is an iconic game played by battle royal players around the world. Photos of free fire characters are also very much awaited by several players. Of course there are lots of free fire characters that are favorites for many people.
There are also lots of character photos that are always used as wallpapers and backgrounds. The following is a photo of the free fire character that you can see.
15 Photos of Favorite Free Fire Characters for 2022
There are certainly a lot of photos of free fire characters and you have to know what the skills of these free fire characters are. The following is a complete review of photos of free fire characters.

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Photo of the first free fire character. This FF character acts as the most violent police officer. This cop often becomes very defensive when you issue his special skills. Andrew is very good to use under any circumstances.
What's more, Andrew is an armor specialist, can make your team's defense more balanced and less pressured by the opposing team.

Photo of the second free fire character Shimada Kiriko or more commonly known as Kelly. By using Deadly Velocity which will be automatically activated when 7 seconds of sprinting. Kelly is also ideal for shooting and running.
Because the skill of this high school girl is sure to make the opponent fall apart in a position that should have been adjusted. Anyway, this one character is highly prioritized in In-game.

Photo of the third free fire character. This character is a Bodyguard who is also a Firearms Expert. This bespectacled girl has a very fast reload ability. Favorite weapons that you can use are VSS and MP40.
For those of you who play medium distance. It is mandatory to choose this free fire character. Because it is very stable and good immunity.

Photo of the fourth free fire character. This Free Fire character comes from the navy. This skill from Ford is very over powered, this skill is the wild of iron where you can reduce damage per second. The damage will increase up to level 8, the maximum you can reduce the damage to is greater than the previous level.

Photo of the fifth free fire character. This character has a skill, namely "Camouflage" can turn wukong into a bush. When he becomes a bush, Wukong cannot be attacked or invisible by his opponent.
But Wukong can still move but when he shoots the camouflage effect will disappear.
Wukong's abilities get faster when you use them after the cooldown runs out.

Photo of the seventh free fire character. This character is the result of Free Fire's collaboration with the world's best footballer, Cristiano Ronaldo. Chrono has a significant skill that can withstand 600 enemy damage.
Chrono can also be used as a photo of the free fire character which is very often downloaded because free fire brought Cristiano Ronaldo. Chrono also has good movement speed.

Photo of the eighth free fire character is maxim. You can eat mushrooms faster than other characters. Maxim also has high abilities and unquestionable movement speed.
One of the counters that can be done when tricking Maxim is to use a wall and hold it until it is difficult for Maxim to move.
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Photo of the ninth free fire character. This character has skills that allow players to have more storage capacity compared to other players. A skill obtained by Paloma in the Free Fire game that is able to "reserve" ammunition which makes the bag bigger to get other equipment.
Paloma's "Arms-Dealing" skill can be increased again as the character level increases. Certainly the inventory of tools and equipment is also increasing and ready.

Hayato has a very cool life story. Hayato can also be said to be a free fire character photo that is widely used by players. This skill from Hayato is very painful and when your HP is a little bit the damage it generates will also be higher.

Antonio has a photo of a beautiful free fire character. However, you need to know that Antonio is arguably a free fire character who has quite high durability. You, can use antonio as one of the best from the rest. Antonio is also often used in tournaments for your friends' NB-in team.

Photo of the twelfth free fire character is laura. Laura also has very important abilities, namely a sniper rifle and a long scope. If you are a player who uses a long barrel, this character is perfect.
Laura is also very often used as a cosplay because her beautiful face makes this one character a favorite.

Photo of the thirteenth free fire character is notora. Has the skill reckles bleeding which will certainly make the opponent confused. Because Notora has a pretty brilliant escape skill. When Notora has a little HP, it will increase Notara's own defense and damage.
DJ Alok

This fourteenth free fire character photo is the result of DJ Alok's collaboration with Free Fire. This character is one of the strongest characters in Free Fire because of the skill abilities he has. Very tough in long barrel play and SMG.
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This character has an ability called Falcon Fervor. skills This is a passive type ability that is useful for increasing damage with a certain distance up to 5%. This ability can certainly be useful for enemies who have been marked up to 1%. Additional free fire character photos
The maximum level of Falcon Fervor (Level 6) has the ability to add damage at a certain distance up to 25%. Whereas damage for enemies that have been marked increases to 3.5%. Every time you level up, damage generated will increase by about 0.5%.