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14 Weakest Heroes in Mobile Legends When Ranked, Be Careful with Them Guys!

list of the weakest heroes in mobile legends

Is there heroes weakest in Mobile Legends? Of course if you follow updates info about tier list para heroes, you can already answer this question.

There are some heroes which is considered weak because it is less able to compete with meta heroes certain in one seasons. For example, the considered Argus OP at the time of its initial release, in seasons most recently he became sluggish because of a lot heroes which can counters skills-his.

There are other examples heroes which OP when playing in a team because skillshis, but heroes it goes out when brought in an official match. Vice versa, there is heroes those who are considered weak can suddenlycarry his team with build and the right team composition.

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This article will discuss heroes which is considered the weakest when played deep ranked mode in Mobile Legends with various supporting reasons. It could be because of the level of difficulty using heroes or lack of interest player use heroes certain.

14 Weakest Heroes in Mobile Legends to Avoid When Ranked


the weakest hero in vexana mobile legends

Vexana is in first place for the weakest hero in Mobile Legends at the moment ranked. If you see skillset owned by Vexana, surely you will be tempted to use it. But, if you already know the reason, you will definitely shake your head.

Vexana is considered as heroes weakest moment ranked in Mobile Legends due to difficulty using skills-his. For example, when Vexana is going to make artificial dolls, she has to use them ultimateit's right on target to be successful.

If ultimate it hits, then skillsit will come in handy. If not, then you're just wasting mana and CD so Vexana needs a lot support and build which is okay so it doesn't become a burden on the team.


the weakest hero in mobile legends diggie

Heroes that looks funny it turns out to be inside list heroes the weakest in Mobile Legends, especially when ranked. Since its initial release, para player many complain about the old CD from ultimatewhich actually has a pretty good passive effect.

Diggie also sometimes annoys the guys player when he respawn in baby bird mode. Even though it can produce truedamage, Diggie is vulnerable to the opponent's encirclement and several items which cancounters that ability.

Just like Vexana, Diggie also needs a lot of attention.support using the right team composition and build that fits.

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the weakest hero in mobile legends phoveus

Phoveus comes in next as heroes the weakest in Mobile Legends when you use it on lanes and the wrong team composition ranked.

It's true, for the most part skillsetit has high destructive power and damage which is not kidding. However, if your opponent uses heroes mage or heroes which can produce magic damage, Phoveus will instantly checkmate.

You can reduce the distance by heroes mage or heroes which has ranged attacks, if skills 1 and 2 you can hit the target. Phoveus also has movement less agile so that it can becounters with heroes the one that can blink or dash as well as burstdamage also.


the weakest hero in mobile legends odette

Heroes the weakest in Mobile Legends, especially when ranked next is Odette. Although considered as mage support at the time of its initial release and was quite popular at that time, skillset Odette is currently considered to be taking too long to see the results, aka the moment late game which doesn't necessarily exist.

If you see heroes released seasons then, you can see that a lot skillset heroes specialist play early until midgame. Teaming up with Odette will weaken your current team's performance ranked because the opponent could immediately play offensive and kill Odette at the start games.


the weakest hero in mobile legends eudora

Eudora is the exact opposite of Odette who also goes inside heroes the weakest in Mobile Legends at the moment ranked. The reason is Eudora's less wide range of attacks, so it's the same case as Vexana and Phoveus if you or your teammates aren't good at using Eudora.

Eudora is also a heroes specialist early game and suitable for use if your team has heroes the one that can jungling and cover moment early game. If Eudora is in the same team as Para late game heroes, it is very likely that Eudora will be hit a lot kill.

Eudora needs to move a lot at times late game and need support from heroes other. If your opponent plays clean sweep and lightning moment late game, they will definitely target Eudora in your team so they can focus on fighting core heroes your team.

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the weakest hero in faramis mobile legends

Faramis also has the same fate as Odette so he is included in the group heroes the weakest in Mobile Legends at the moment ranked.

Faramis actually has skills which can be turned on heroes who have been hit kill. However, Moonton has not yet given it buff against Faramis so skills it can only animate heroes teammates for just a few moments.

Faramis' lack of popularity because he was unable to compete with Lunox, Pharsa and Kadita was also another problem that caused him to be considered heroes weakest. If you still want to use Faramis, it's a good idea to learn first skillsetits on classic mode.


the weakest hero in mobile legends minotaur

Heroes the weakest in Mobile Legends at the moment ranked Next up is the Minotaur. Since its release in June 2021, the Minotaur has had an unstable performance. Some of the factors include the lack of adjustment skillset Minotaur with movement speed-his.

Power destroyed skills Minotaur is very tall, especially when he has access ultimate-his. skills The 2 Minotaurs can alsoheal himself so that he is almost a version of Balmond upgraded.

Unfortunately, the Minotaur is unable to compete with the popularity of Jawhead, Johnson and Gatotkaca in terms of movement.


the weakest hero in mobile legends hanabi

Hanabi is considered as heroes the weakest in Mobile Legends in ranked mode. Hanabi is a specialist late game because you have to farming first to bring out his best. Many players are annoyed by lamas farming This Hanabi.

Moment ranked, not necessarily you will enter late game. The players are also required to complete the match as effectively as possible.

If you are on a team with Hanabi, you must be willing tocover Hanabi or accompany her jungling because Hanabi is not good at escaping from the encirclement.

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the weakest hero in mobile legends grock

Grock was put in heroes the weakest in Mobile Legends when ranked because movement speedits slow.

Moonton has indeed adapted this deficiency accordingly MOBILE PHONE and skillset Grock that can keep him from CC. However, mostly heroes meta seasons then have build and abilities DPS so high that it's easy tocounters Grock.

Heroes like Roger and Nathan for example, can easily penetrate MOBILE PHONE Thick grock. It is for this reason that many player who chose to use Baxia or Hylos instead of Grock.


the weakest hero in mobile legends carmilla

Carmilla fell down the rankings heroes weakest moment ranked in Mobile Legends because skillsits a long time to activate.

Even though Carmilla had the ability CC the good one, Carmilla it would be hard to be initiator and support moment ganking. Whereas, ganking is a vital element in play ranked.

Carmilla is also less so in pain early game and need build right so you can farming quickly. Player switched to using Rafaela and Mathilda as they were more capable carry and support current team ranked.


the weakest hero in mobile legends minsitthar

In the same fate as Carmilla, Minsitthar is considered heroes weakest in Mobile Legends because damageits a small one for fighter heroes.

Moonton does deliver skillset Minsitthar who could be a patch damageits that. But, skillset Minsitthar is considered too stiff and difficult to use so it can be wasted where.

Player instead preferring Chou or Argus over Minsitthar for this reason.

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the weakest hero in mobile legends badass

Badang's popularity also declined to the point where he had to be included in the list heroes weakest moment ranked. If you see skillsethis, Badang has the ability to CC and Burst and very scary moment late game.

duration farming Badang became a weak point heroes This is because it is considered less efficient in carry and bursts, and was defeated by Barats and Bane.

The funny thing is, Badang is also weak against burstdamage but he can do it too bursts. If your opponent is Natalia, then don't ever face one on one with her if you don't want to be slaughtered.


the weakest hero in mobile legends Kimmy

Actually, Kimmy was not considered heroes the weakest in Mobile Legends at the moment ranked. Kimmy went down the rankings for a lot player the perfunctory use of Kimmy thus degrades ratings heroes this unique.

Kimmy is heroes with a fairly high level of difficulty so player need to train themselves to use Kimmy on ranked. Some of skillsit has to be on target so you can get damage optimal.

Hopefully in the future Kimmy can be more attractive and used so that she won't be seen as weak player experienced.


the weakest hero in mobile legends estes

Finally, Estes, mage who also had the misfortune to fall into heroes weakest in ranked mode. Estes also has a fairly high level of difficulty to use.

A number of player impromptu usually likes to put Estes in a position that is not ideal so that he cannot maximize skills supportits what it should be GG.

Need to know, skillset Estes is more to support. So you have to maximize it support skills Estes by placing it as Roamers or in bottom lane.

Also read: Tips for GG Using Estes Mobile Legends

Well, that's 14 heroes the weakest in Mobile Legends especially when ranked mode. This list certainly isn't fixed crown 14 heroes those as the weakest, unless you are included player who knows timings to wear heroes That's Vicigers!

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