Aloha Vicigers! Surely you are already familiar with games PUBG (Player unknown's battle ground). Yup! Games this is Battle Playground which is very popular. Games This game is played by various groups from teenagers to adults.
To play this game, we as players must be smart in using and choosing good weapons to get victory which is commonly called Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Apart from the pot which is the iconic weapon of games this, you have to know the weaknesses and strengths of all the weapons in PUBG. The following is an explanation of the weapons that you can use.

Shotgun is the only weapon that must be owned by player moment battles. This is because there is always 1 slots reserved for shotguns, from 3 slots weapons used during play. In addition, this weapon is very effective at close range.
For use, shotgun will issue several bullets in one shot. However, this weapon is not suitable for long range use. damage issued also varies approx levels 19-25.
Sniper Rifles

If you find Sniper Rifles in early game, you better save it. This weapon is very good to use at the beginning of the game when battles for having damage which is passable and can be used at a flexible distance.
The downside of this weapon is the small amount slots bullets and shooting speed is also low. However, it cannot be denied that damage issued is quite large, namely 23-132.
Assault Rifles

This weapon combines the advantages of 2 types of weapons at once. The 2 types of weapons are Light Machine Guns which has a large ammo capacity and Sniper Rifles which has a high degree of accuracy.
Therefore, this weapon is one of the PUBG weapons Mobile a favorite for players of this game because it is very effective at times battles. The damage from this weapon itself is quite good because it is in the medium range, which is around 41-49.

This DMR is a weapon that is a combination of 2 other weapons, viz Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles. In terms of damage, this weapon has a slight advantage over Sniper Rifles. But for the distance he still lost from Sniper Rifles.
This weapon will function properly when used when battles, when safe zone you have shrunk. The smaller size and lighter weight make this weapon have a plus over the two comparable weapons. Although small but has damage 44-60.
Light Machine Guns

For those of you who rely on shooting speed, you will like this type of weapon Light Machine Guns because the shooting speed is faster than the weapon type Assault Rifles.
The downside of this weapon is that it takes a lot of time to reload. But with caution, this weapon will deliver damage which is quite large, namely between 44-49.

We often find this weapon, but we often ignore it at times battles. Even though this weapon has damage high enough to be used as a secondary weapon. At the beginning of the battle, this weapon is very useful for attacking enemies who have just landed.
But in the game, the gun cannot be used until late game due to the limited bullet slots provided. damage what he issued was not bad, namely in the range of 19-49.

In the game there is only one kind. For those of you who play with a hiding strategy, then you will like this weapon because Crossbows doesn't make a sound when fired.
This weapon is also recommended for use when safe zone getting smaller because we don't pay attention. High damage will make the enemy die in 2 shots.

This is an additional weapon in the form of a grenade. There are several types of grenades that can be used for defense and attack. This weapon is effectively used when you look player hiding but can't shoot him.
Another advantage is that it can damage the enemy's concentration or trick the enemy into not knowing our true position.
Submachine Guns

Submachine Guns is a PUBG weapon mobile which is suitable for use at close range when battles. With a very large bullet capacity, it will make player can shoot blindly at the enemy.
Although the level of accuracy and damage which is low (around 23-38), but if fired continuously it can certainly make the enemy run headlong.

This type of weapon is the most iconic weapon in this game, one of which is the pot. for in early game You can use this decent leftover weapon to kill enemies. There will be a sensation of its own if you manage to kill it.
With the types of weapons mentioned earlier, there are several suggestions for choosing weapons that are suitable for use at close range and long distances. It is hoped that you can choose the type of weapon that suits your game.
Here are some weapons that are effective at close range, there are S12K, MP5K, Vector, and UMP45. Meanwhile, weapons that are suitable for long distance use are M249 (LMG), AUG (AR), MK14 (DMR), SKS (DMR), QBU (DMR), AWM (Sniper), and M24 (Sniper).
By knowing and having a good understanding of these types of weapons, it will be easier for you to win. Good luck!
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