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10 Stun Heroes in Mobile Legend, Kill Your Opponent's Moves!

stun mobile legend cover

Stun ability Mobile Legends has always been a mainstay skill for players who want to control the flow of the match.

The reason is, when players succeed in making their opponent's heroes immobile with the stun effect, they will freely slaughter and create combo attacks without hindrance.

In addition, if the hero who can stun can do a lot of painful burst damage, it is certain that the opposing hero will be KOed quickly. This is also effective when pushing turrets and lanes.

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Then, which hero has the longest stun ability in mlbb? Here are 10 heroes with stun abilities arranged from the longest to the shortest stun.

10 MLBB Heroes with the Longest Stun GG Version by VCGamers


stun mobile legend tigreal
Hero Stun Mobile Legend Tigreal

The hero with the longest Mobile Legend stun duration in first position is Tigreal. Yes, that's right, Tigreal is a veteran hero whose performance is brilliant in almost every season.

Tigreal's mainstay is skill 2 and its ulti which can stun the opponent's hero for up to 1.5 seconds. Imagine if Tigreal manages to stun the target, you and your teammates have plenty of time to gank and create lots of assists and kills at once.

Skill 2 Tigreal also has an airborne effect so that the opponent will be thrown into the air and vulnerable to other series of attacks in the area.

Tigreal's ulti skill will also be very deadly because apart from being able to stun, the target also won't be able to run away anywhere. With this arrangement of stun skills in Mobile Legend, Tigreal is widely relied upon as a carry, cover and tanker who roams diligently.


stun mobile legends moscow
Moskov Mobile Legend Stun Hero

MLBB's longest stun is then held by the hero Moskov, with his 2 skills that can hit more than one target at a time.

Skill 2 Moskov will be able to produce a stun effect for up to 1.5 seconds if the user can hit more than one target.

For example, Moskov uses skill 2 when the target hero is exactly in one line with his partner's hero. When the target is hit by skill 2 Moskov and pushed back, he hits his partner's hero, creating a stun effect for 1.5 seconds.

Not only that, skill 2 Moskov can also reveal opponents hiding either in the bushes or with their skills. Mobile Legend Moskov's stun skill will also be more OP, of course.

The efficiency of skill 2 is also increased by its passive skills which can reduce skill cooldown by up to 0.8 seconds. So, Moskov users have many advantages in turning off their opponent's movements.

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stun mobile legend nana
Hero Stun Mobile Legend Nana

In the third position of the stun Mobile Legend is Nana, who can stop her target's movement for up to 1 second with her ulti skill.

The requirement for creating a stun effect using this hero in Mobile Legend is to hit the same target using its ulti. Fortunately, Nana's ultimate skill will decrease according to her level so you can almost always stun your opponent.

Of course when you successfully stun your opponent, you can also change Nana's target to a stuffed kitten to lower her overall status.

In this state, just slay the opponents who are stun and morphed so they can kill and can immediately push the Lord, Turtle or turret without interruption.


stun mobile legend hylos
Hero Stun Mobile Legend Hylos

Hylos' longest stun ability in Mobile Legend is almost the same as Nana, which can stop the target's movement for 1 second.

Skill 1 Hylos will aim at the target and provide magic damage and the stun effect. This will usually be used by players when Hylos wants to run away or heal his teammates.

Skill 2 Hylos will also further reduce the movement of the target again, while increasing the magic damage of the next attack. Of course, with the Mobile Legend Hylos stun skill, this skill 2 becomes even more effective.

For the Hylos combo skill, usually players will first use skill 2, then skill 1, after that it will be followed by the ultimate skill so that it can increase the speed of all teammates who are on Hylos' path.

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stun mobile legends johnson
Hero Stun Mobile Legend Johnson

This versatile stun specialist tank hero in Mobile Legend is considered one of the heroes with the longest stun effect in MLBB. Skill 1 and its ulti can give a stun effect from 0.8 to 1 second.

Players using Johnson will usually use skill 1 as an opening attack to create a stun effect. Then, Johnson's skill 2 will only be used when he wants to run away but still wants to give magic damage to the heroes chasing him.

The most dangerous thing about Johnson is his ulti skill. When he crashes into his target, he will be able to create a stun effect for up to 1 second.

Johnson will bring one of his teammates into his car, to then help him attack the opponent affected by the Mobile Legend stun.


stun mobile legend argus
Hero Stun Mobile Legend Argus

The fighter hero whose performance is unstable in season 23 is one of the longest stun heroes in Mobile Legend. He can give a stun effect of up to 0.7 seconds with his 1st skill.

At the beginning of its release, this hero was very popular, especially for players who like to use lifesteal skills. In the late game, they will combine Argus' stun ability with his lifesteal ability from his passive skills.

Argus Ulti will remove all debuff effects received by him, then he can freely launch skill 1 and 2 attacks as his mainstay weapon to take down opponents.

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stun mobile legends freya
Hero Stun Mobile Legend Freya

In seventh place is the hero Freya who also has the longest stun ability in Mobile Legend. Players using Freya will stack damage first with their normal attacks.

After he manages to collect stack damage through his orb, then skill 1 can produce GG damage and a stun effect for just 0.5 seconds.

This can also be used to save the stack to increase the capability of Freya's next attack. If the ulti is already open, then Freya will be able to create even higher damage.


stun mobile legend franco
Hero Stun Mobile Legend Franco

Hero Franco also turns out to be able to create a stun effect for up to 0.5 seconds with his pull. Of course, this effect will be able to increase the burst damage that is the mainstay.

Position Franco in a line with the target you want to draw. If they are blocked by a wall, it doesn't matter either, because Franco's pull can penetrate the arena walls.

When the target is hit by skill 1, when it reaches Franco, he will not move for 0.5 seconds. If you have successfully unlocked skill 2 Franco, use this skill for burst damage, and connect with his ult if possible.

With the right build, Franco will become a reliable puller who can create a continuous stun effect through his burst damage.

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stun mobile legends ruby
Hero Stun Mobile Legend Ruby

The next Stun Hero in Mobile Legend is Ruby, who has good lifesteal skills and the same gameplay as Franco as a puller for opposing heroes.

With skill 2 and her ulti, Ruby can create a stun effect for up to 0.5 seconds. Within this duration, he can get additional physical and magic defense which can be stacked 3 times.

But usually, players using Ruby will take advantage of the stun for more lifesteal from their targets, especially when they try to escape Ruby's attack range.

Also use this stun effect to get away from opponents who have CC or burst damage so that Ruby doesn't get knocked out quickly.


stun mobile legend zhask
Hero Stun Mobile Legend Zhask

The mage hero, who is also quite a mainstay in season 23, has the ability to stun for only 0.5 seconds. The skill for the stun effect is skill 2 Zhask.

The condition is that Zhask must succeed in hitting the target with his 1st skill before he can stun the target with his 2nd skill. So, Zhask users must sequentially use skill 1, followed by skill 2 for the same target.

Zhask's passive skill will also provide true magic damage which is quite okay during the late game. Players using Zhaask usually take advantage of this ability to kill their targets quickly.

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These 10 heroes with the longest stun in Mobile Legend will be even better if you can master the gameplay well. Heroes like Tigreal, Zhask, Ruby and Hylos in particular must be controlled properly before they become a mainstay when pushing rank, Vicigers!

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