10 Most Hero Mobile Legends Ban April 2021

Published by
Muhammad Zaenal

Which Mobile Legends heroes got the most bans in April? Every month, Moonton always brings up a meta hero for each hero, this makes the hero rotation in gameplay more diverse.

Starting from top tires, top picks, and the best win rates for each hero. For example, a number of heroes often get banned in April 2021. Some of the heroes are meta heroes and some have just been released.

This time, we will share information about a series of heroes in April 2021 that were banned the most. Especially for you Mobile Legend players, of course you already know who these heroes are.

Most of the heroes in Mobile Legends are banned in April 2021

  • Natalia

In first place is Natalia, this role assassin hero is the hero with the most bans in April 2021. Natalia was banned for 62% through the whole gameplay. Do you know why Natalia gets the most tires?


This one hero is classified as so deadly, he is often used as a support that will disrupt the course of the battle. His passive skill that can disappear is the main reason why he is often banned.


  • Brody

Not without reason, Brody is a marksman hero who has high early damage, so Brody users don't need to add a lot of damage items like other marksman.


Brody got 53% worth of tires throughout April 2021. The reason why this hero gets a lot of tires is his mobility and burst damage which is really deadly.


  • Benedetta

Since it was first released in December 2020, Benedetta has immediately become a ban or pick in ML games. In April 2021, Bendetta got tires worth 45%.


This hero is quite imba, he has a 2nd skill that can be immune, has a 4th skill with a charged attack, as well as a skill set that allows quick and deadly attack combos.


  • Esmeralda

At the beginning of its release, Esmeralda even became the top tire for several months, until now the ban on Esmeralda is still running. This one hero is an illegal hero to choose because of his skills that can pick up enemy shields at once. Huge damage and strong defense make it illegal to choose.


  • Helcurt

Special passive abilities compared to other heroes are Helcurt's advantage. Thus, the enemy will get a silence effect and it will be difficult to attack him. Almost the same as Natalia, Helcurt is a hero who is often banned in April 2021. He gets 32% worth of tires in all Mobile Legends games.


  • Paquito

In April 2021, Paquito got the newest Epic Skin, one of the things that was improved was the buff which made this one hero get banned a lot in April. Paquito got 30% worth of tires from the whole game.


  • Lancelot

Lancelot got 27% worth of tires in the whole game. This is natural because Lancelot is included in the list of meta heroes and is often used as a jungler or hyper carry. Lancelot is superior in terms of good mobility and high damage from the early game to the late game.


  • Wanwan

Wanwan is a hero with a marksman role who is classified as a very popular pick in ML Season 20. He has already received a tire of 26%. Do you know why Wanwan gets so many tires?


Unlike Yi Sun Shin or Granger, Wanwan got banned because of her good skills when she was a sidelaner, this one hero is also often used by several pro players as well as MDL and MPL and then successfully unleashed all of Wanwan's potential.


  • Beatrix

Beatrix is a hero who often receives further bans in this ML game. Beatrix, who is arguably the new hero, gets a ban of 23% because she is so Overpowered [OP]. Beatrix was officially released in March 2021, it's no longer a secret that the new hero is known to be very OP especially because of Beatrix's skills which have unique abilities in the form of 4 weapons, each of which has a variety of attacks.


  • Johnson

Lastly is Johnson, this tanker hero became popular after being included as the best meta hero in sidelaners. He gained popularity and was feared by many people.


Johnson got a tire of 18% in the whole game. He has a very unique skill with the ability to transform into a super car. This tanker hero is a tank that is so solid and strong in a fight.

That's an explanation of the most banned Mobile Legends heroes in April 2021. Are the series of heroes above your favorite heroes? Surely it will be very difficult to play it in ranked mode because it often receives tires.

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Muhammad Zaenal