There are several reasons why promo codes do not appear or cannot be used. Among them:
- Incorrect promo code: Make sure you enter the code correctly, without any typing errors.
- Promo code expired: The promo quota has been fulfilled so it can no longer be used.
- Promo code expired: The promo validity period has ended, so it is no longer valid.
- Brand specific promo code: The code is only valid for certain brands. If you use it for other brands, the promo will not be active.
- Special promo code for new members: Promo is only valid for new users. If your account has already made a transaction, the promo cannot be used.
- Minimum transaction promo code does not match: Your transaction does not meet the minimum nominal requirements for the promo.
- Special feature promo code: The code is only valid for certain features such as instant or lightning products. Using this code for other products will not work.
- Special promo code for certain payment methods: Promo is only valid if you use the appropriate payment method.
- Special promo code for certain devices: Promos can only be used on certain devices (for example, only valid on mobile or desktop applications).
If you have met the terms and conditions but still cannot use the promo code, you can directly contact the VCGamers Support team at [email protected] for further assistance.