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Payment via NeoBank Virtual Account

Payment method via BCA Mobile Banking:

  1. Select menu M-Transfer
  2. Select menu Transfer List – Interbank
  3. Enter a number Virtual Accounts in column No. Destination account
  4. Select the destination account Neo Commerce Bank/BNC
  5. Select menu Transfer - Interbank
  6. Select Destination Bank (Neo Commerce Bank/BNC- 490)
  7. Select the previous Virtual Account number has been registered.
  8. Enter the payment amount according to the Bill
  9. Inputs PIN
  10. Payment finished

Payment method via NeoBank Mobile Banking:

  1. Please log in on the Neobank application (Android/Iphone)
  2. Select Menu Hematpay
  3. Enter number Virtual Accounts stated on the VCGamers payment
  4. Confirm payment information
  5. Inputs PIN
  6. Payment Completed

Payment method via BERSAMA/PRIMA ATM:

  1. Choose “Other transactions”
  2. Select menu "Transfer"
  3. Choose “Transfer to Another Bank”
  4. Enter code Bank Neo Commerce/BNC “490” and 18 Digit number Virtual Accounts
  5. Enter the transfer amount according to your bill or obligation. make sure the nominal is correct
  6. Confirmation of your details will appear on the screen, please check again and press 'Yes' to continue
  7. Transaction Succeed

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