
    Digital Products

Entered the wrong ID / bought the wrong product

Before proceeding with payment, please always check the order details again to avoid errors.

However, if you have already made a payment and the note or product you purchased is wrong, you can do the following:

Order status Processed :
Contact the Seller immediately via the button contact the seller available to confirm errors in your order. If there is no response, please contact the Customer Support team via email [email protected] for further help.

Order status Sent :
Immediately moderate the order so that the balance can be temporarily secured by the system. Please refer to the sub menu How to complain about an order.


  • For orders that are successfully moderated, if the Seller has attached proof of delivery that matches your order details, then the order will be considered valid and the balance will still be transferred to the Seller
  • VCGamers and Seller are not responsible for losses caused by errors in filling out records or purchasing products by the Buyer. Please refer to Terms and Conditions applicable

Admin Contact on Whatsapp

Please fill in the form below to make it easier for the admin to help with your problem

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