
    Digital Products

Seller Rules

Seller Transactions

  1. Sellers are required to provide complete and clear product images and information according to the quality of the products they sell. If there is a discrepancy between the product images and information uploaded by the Seller and the product received by the Buyer, VCGamers has the right to cancel/withhold transaction funds.
  2. In using the "Product Title", "Product Photo" and "Product Description" facilities, Sellers are prohibited from making standard clause regulations that do not comply with applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia, including but not limited to (i) not accepting complaints, ( ii) do not accept refunds, (iii) price depreciation, etc.
  3. If there is a conflict between the product name and/or product description and the VCGamers Terms and Conditions, then the applicable rules are the VCGamers Terms and Conditions.
  4. The Seller is obliged to provide confirmation to accept or reject the Buyer's Product order within a time limit of 1×24 hours starting from the notification of the Product order from VCGamers. If within this time limit there is no reply from the Seller, the order will automatically be cancelled.
  5. The Seller understands and agrees that VCGamers has the right to moderate the Seller's shop if the Seller refuses, cancels and/or does not respond to the Buyer's Product order with suspicion of manipulating transactions, violating the Terms and Conditions, and/or fraud or other abuse.
  6. Sellers are not permitted to provide separate payment methods (split payment) and/or divide 1 (one) Product purchase transaction into 2 (two) different transactions with the aim of manipulating payment methods and/or getting more benefits that violate the Terms and Conditions, which is done in any way, including but not limited to using the "Product Variant" service or selling several products so as to divide the price or transaction amount of a desired product.
  7. The seller understands and agrees not to involve VCGamers from responsibility if there are problems with transactions using the Split Payment method, including but not limited to transaction problems, payment problems, etc.
  8. VCGamers has the authority to take action and decisions regarding unresolved transaction problems between the Seller and Buyer by requesting and viewing the necessary evidence. VCGamers' decision is a final decision that cannot be contested and is binding on the Seller and Buyer to comply with it.

Showcase Products

  1. Sellers are prohibited from using shop windows for advertising purposes or carrying out promotions on other platform pages outside the VCGamers platform.
  2. Sellers are prohibited from providing personal contact to buyers for the purpose of conducting transactions outside VCGamers.
  3. Sellers are prohibited from providing inappropriate information in shop or product descriptions.
  4. Sellers are prohibited from using VCGamers logos or digital assets either on merchandise or in profile photos without VCGamers' permission.
  5. Sellers must provide product information, specifications and naming that are appropriate to the products they sell.
  6. VCGamers can revoke a product or store moderation if it is deemed that the product violates the applicable terms and conditions.


  1. Sellers are prohibited from setting unreasonable prices for Products offered through the VCGamers site. If VCGamers finds actions that are considered unreasonable in the prices of the Digital Products/Products offered, then VCGamers has the right to take action in accordance with applicable regulations.
  2. The Seller understands that in the event of a typo in product information that causes the price information or other information to be inappropriate, it will be the Seller's responsibility. And the seller can refuse the transaction if it is proven that the product and price attached are not appropriate.

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