
    Digital Products

Terms and conditions

These user terms and conditions constitute an agreement as outlined in the agreement between the User and VCGamers Asia Pte.Ltd/PT. Sotta Teknologi Indonesia. By registering and using VCGamers Partner services, the User is deemed to agree and understand to be bound by these terms and conditions.

If the user does not agree with one, some or all of the contents in these terms and conditions, then the user is not recommended to use the service

Users in this case are subject to the Terms and Conditions; Privacy Policy; and conditions that apply to VCGamers. Users are required to read it carefully because it will impact the user's legal rights and obligations.

If the User violates the provisions, VCGamers has the right to give a warning regarding the violation or can immediately stop or suspend the Service.


  1. Account is the personal data of Users of VCGamers Partner services, including but not limited to (username, password, and all user data) which must be filled in by registered Users;
  2. Mitra is a person or company that uses VCGamers Partner services.
  3. Product is an online games voucher or direct top up into the game which can be used by gamer(s) to top up/refill game credits from games that join the Website to be purchased and/or paid on the Website.
  4. Purchase order is a purchase order issued by Partners online to VCGamers in the process of providing Products.
  5. Purchase Price is the total value of transactions carried out by Partners on the VCGamers platform.
  6. Transaction means every Product purchase transaction through the Platform.
  7. Reconciliation is a data matching activity on the results of exchanging and selling Products through the platform which is carried out jointly by the Parties. If there are differences between the results of the Reconciliation of the Parties, then the data used is VCGamers transaction data
  8. VCGamers Partner System is the official site  or other system facilities that can be accessed via the user's computer and/or mobile device, including affiliates, third parties who collaborate with VCGamers Partners.


  1. The User is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the account and password for all activities that occur under the User's account.
  2. The user is obliged to ensure that the user exits the account at the end of each transaction/visit. If there is any unauthorized use of accounts and passwords, users can report it to VCGamers.
  3. VCGamers will not ask for a user's username, password or OTP (One Time Password) code for any reason.
  4. VCGamers can take action in the form of product deletion, store moderation, store closure, account suspension and/or deletion of user accounts for any alleged violation of the VCGamers Terms and Conditions and/or applicable laws in Indonesia.
  5. VCGamers has the right to close user or shop accounts temporarily or permanently if fraudulent acts are found in carrying out transactions and/or violations of the user penalty policy.
  6. Users agree not to use, modify and/or exploit the Platform/Application network or data using either automatic or manual technology without permission from VCGamers.
  7. Users agree not to use or access the VCGamers system in whole or in part with viruses, software or other technology that can disrupt, inhibit, limit, take over the functionality or weaken the integrity of the software or hardware system, network and/or data on the VCGamers Platform and Application.
  8. Users agree not to use and/or access the VCGamers system directly or indirectly either in whole or in part with viruses, software or other technology which may result in weakening, damaging, disrupting or inhibiting, limiting and/or taking over the functionality and integrity of the software or hardware systems, networks and/or data on the VCGamers site/Platform.
  9. Users are prohibited from creating and/or using hardware/software/features and/or other tools, including emulators, robots, macros, crawlers and/or automatic devices with the aim of accessing or using services on the VCGamers system, such as but not limited to
    1. manipulation of store data;
    2. create multiple accounts;
    3. manipulate devices with the aim of harming VCGamers;
    4. browsing activities (crawling/scraping) or copying content; which is detrimental to VCGamers and/or VCGamers users
    5. automation activities in transactions, buying and selling, promotions, and so on; which is detrimental to VCGamers and/or VCGamers users
    6. collect (harvest) or steal user data;
    7. spamming, sending large amounts of electronic communications, sending chain letters; and/or
    8. other activations that can reasonably be assessed as partly acts of manipulation of services and systems.
  10. The User hereby declares that VCGamers is not responsible for any losses or problems arising from misuse of the User's account resulting from the User's negligence, including but not limited to approving and/or providing account login access sent by VCGamers to other parties, or the negligence of other Users which results in losses or problems with the User's account.


All Partners are required to comply with the following requirements:

  1. Users are required to read, understand and comply with all the provisions set out in these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Users guarantee that all data that has been submitted to VCGamers is true data, and is fully responsible for this data so that it can be used for transaction purposes on the VCGamers website.
  3. Users must be at least 17 years old, have an account along with a cellphone number that can be contacted and connected to WhatsApp services.
  4. The user guarantees that he will maintain all details of the user's account confidentiality, and will not disclose any data to third parties.
  5. Users make transactions using transaction procedures that have been established by VCGamers. Users make payments using the payment method previously selected by the User, and then VCGamers will forward the product to the user when the transaction stages in the VCGamers system have been completed.
  6. Users are required to make payments using the selected payment method with a top up nominal that corresponds to the bill amount stated on the payment page.
  7. VCGamers is not responsible for losses experienced by the User, if the User makes a payment that does not match the billing amount stated on the payment page.
  8. Users agree not to disclose or submit proof of payment and/or payment data to parties other than VCGamers. In the event that losses occur as a result of notification or submission and/or payment data by the User to another party, this will be the responsibility of the Buyer.
  9. VCGamers reserves the right to apply the principles Know Your Customer (KYC) to Partners, in accordance with the provisions implemented by MItra VCGamers.
  10. Users who have an account with a VCGamers Partner are required to attach complete and honest personal data in accordance with the personal identity contained on the VCGamers Partner Profile page, such as:
    1. Individual Partners
      1. Business Name;
      2. Complete Business Address
      3. PIC name;
      4. Whatsapp number;
      5. Business Description
      6. Legality (KTP Scan; Selfie with KTP)
      7. NPWP no
    2. Company
      1. Business Name
      2. PIC name
      3. No. WhatsApp
      4. Business Description
      5. Legality (SIUP/NIB; KTP; SPPKP; Selfie with KTP, Scan NPWP;
      6. Company address based on NPWP
  11. VCGamers has the authority to make decisions regarding transaction problems that have not been resolved due to the absence of a settlement agreement, both between the Seller and the Buyer, by looking at the existing evidence. VCGamers' decision is a final decision that cannot be contested and is binding on the Seller and Buyer to comply with it.

VCGamers Partner Services

  1. VCGamers manages and provides systems and services for Partners to make direct top up purchases or vouchers via the website By purchasing a top up or voucher in accordance with the VCGames Partner user rules, the buyer is responsible for the direct top up or voucher that he has purchased;
  2. Mitra may issue purchase orders from time to time and VCGamers will provide products to Mitra as requested and specified in the purchase order after Mitra have made payment for the product ordered.
  3. Mitra acknowledge and agree that all products purchased from VCGamers under this Agreement are non-returnable after purchase. No refunds are provided for any purchase of products under this agreement.
  4. Mitra has the right to resell products to customers.
  5. VCGamers and Partners hereby agree and confirm that the price list for products can change according to the price determined by VCGamers which of course still pays attention to the margins of partners and the market. Mitra acknowledge and agree that VCGamers may, at its sole discretion, change the price list at any time based on changes in existing situations and conditions. VCGamers will notify you Mitra in writing for any changes to the price list on the VCGamers Partner website.
  6. Mitra must pay a certain nominal amount to be able to make transactions on VCGamers which is done by depositing a balance via the platform
  7. VCGamers and Partners agree that the purchase price for each Purchase Order will be included in each Purchase Order ("Purchase Price"), which is calculated based on the unit price for each item of the Product as stated in the Product price list.

Balance Deposit Terms

VCGamers cannot return funds/deposit balances to Partner accounts, so Partners must be careful and ensure that the amount of balance and products that Partners choose are appropriate choices. All purchase transactions on the website are final and non-refundable. VCGamers does not offer refunds or exchanges for any faulty products, including compatibility issues.

Limitation of Liability

VCGamers And Mitra agree that the limitation of liability of each party in connection with the implementation of this Agreement is limited to errors and/or negligence committed by each party. Each party is not responsible for any errors and/or omissions or inclusion of errors and/or omissions committed by the other Party and/or other third parties.

Disclaimer and Indemnification

  1. VCGamers always strives to keep the VCGamers service safe, secure and functioning properly, but we cannot guarantee that continuous operation or access to our Services will always be perfect. The information and data on the VCGamers site may not occur in real time.
  2. Users agree that by using the VCGamers Service, the User is personally responsible for the risks that occur as a User of this VCGamers Service.
  3. To the extent permitted by applicable Law, VCGamers (including the Company, Directors and Employees) is not responsible, and you agree not to hold VCGamers liable for any losses including but not limited to loss of money, reputation, profits or losses (including but not limited to loss of money, reputation, profits, or other intangible losses) resulting directly or indirectly:
    1. In the event of the User's inability to use VCGamers features or services.
    2. Prices, delays, or interruptions of services available within VCGamers.
    3. Negligence and losses incurred by each User.
    4. Violation of IPR
    5. Disputes between users, Defamation of the good name of other parties
    6. Any misuse of Digital Products/Products that have been purchased by the User.
    7. Losses resulting from unauthorized payments to parties other than the Official VCGamers Account, which in any way act in the name of VCGamers or negligence in writing the account and/or negligence on the part of the bank.
    8. Viruses or other software bots, scripts, automation tools obtained by accessing and/or connecting to the VCGamers service.
    9. Any glitches, bugs, errors or inaccuracies in the VCGamers service.
    10. Damage to your hardware from users of any VCGamers service.
    11. Content, actions, or inaction of third parties, including related to Products on the VCGamers site that are suspected to be fake.
    12. Enforcement actions taken in connection with User accounts.
    13. There are hacking actions carried out by third parties on user accounts.
  4. Users understand that VCGamers' proportional responsibility limits are as a provider of marketplace website services for game products and digital products.
  5. If a User has a dispute with one or more users, you release VCGamers (including the Company, Directors and Employees) from claims and demands or damages and losses (actual and implied) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way related to the dispute, including but not limited to losses arising from the purchase of products that have been prohibited. In this way, the User deliberately waives any legal protection (contained in laws or other legal regulations) which would limit the scope of this waiver provision.
  6. Users will release VCGamers from claims for compensation and defend VCGamers (including the Company, Directors and Employees) from any claims or demands, including reasonable legal costs, made by third parties arising in the event that you violate this Agreement, users of VCGamers services who do not appropriate and/or User violations of the Law or third party rights.
  7. Mitra guarantee that Mitra will be liberating VCGamers from any losses, payment obligations and expenses suffered or required to be borne by Mitra arising under or in connection with proprietary representations and warranties Mitra on.

Intellectual Property

VCGamers prohibits all activities in the name of VCGamers by copying, copying, using any intellectual property rights belonging to VCGamers in the form of logos, images or icons belonging to VCGamers without written approval from VCGamers.

If it is discovered/suspected that there has been an act of infringement committed by a user on behalf of VCGamers by attaching a logo, image or icon belonging to VCGamers without written approval, then VCGamers releases itself from all claims and compensation in connection with and/or arising from such action.

Other Terms

  1. In the event that the user uses the features/services available on the VCGamers Site, the User hereby declares that he understands and agrees to all the terms and conditions specifically regulated in connection with the features/services used.
  2. Anything that has not been and/or is not regulated in the specific terms and conditions in this feature will fully refer to VCGamers terms and conditions in general.
  3. By reading and agreeing to the VCGamers Terms and Conditions, the User is deemed to comply with the VCGamers Privacy Policy.

Rule of law

These Terms are governed and/interpreted in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Indonesia, without regard to conflict of law rules. Users agree that any legal action or dispute that may arise from, relate to, or be in any way related to the site and/or this Agreement will be resolved exclusively in the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Indonesia.

Renewal of Terms

These Terms and Conditions may be changed and/or updated from time to time without prior notice. VCGamers expects you to read carefully and check this Terms and Conditions page from time to time for any changes. By continuing to access and use the VCGamers platform, users are deemed to have agreed to the changes in these Terms and Conditions

Force Majeure

Any default, error, interruption or delay in carrying out obligations or any non-conformity in the Platform and/or Service content caused, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by an event of failure caused by Force Majeure or force majeure circumstances will not be considered as VCGamers' failure to fulfill its obligations under these user Terms and Conditions.

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