
    Digital Products

Feature Usage


  1. VCGamers can hold promotional activities at any time with different terms and conditions for each activity.
  2. Users are expected to read carefully the Terms and Conditions for each promotional activity taking place.
  3. Users can only use 1 (one) account for each promotional activity. If
    VCGamers finds that there are users who have created more than 1 (one) account to benefit from these promotional activities, VCGamers can take action as deemed necessary without prior notification to the User. These activities can take the form of canceling transactions, canceling Promo Codes, blocking accounts, holding and withdrawing user balances or legal action if fraudulent acts are discovered by Users.
  4. VCGamers can change the terms and conditions of any promotional activities, held by the party
  5. VCGamers from time to time without prior notification to the User.
  6. VCGamers has 2 types of Promos: a) VCGamers Promo Code, namely a Promotion that originates and is valid on the VCGamers platform; and b) Third Party Promo Codes, namely Promotions originating from third parties and valid outside the VCGamers platform.
  7. VCGamers is not responsible for promotions originating from third parties and valid on other platforms outside of VCGamers.
  8. The Promo Code obtained by the User can only be used for certain products available on the VCGamers platform and within a certain time period.
  9. Promo codes that are not used or exchanged will automatically expire and cannot be used again.
  10. The VCGamers Promo Code will return to being a promo code and can be used again if the transaction is cancelled.

Resolution Center

  1. Resolution center is a feature provided by VCGamers to facilitate the resolution of transaction issues between Buyers and Sellers. Buyers or sellers are asked to attach proof of transactions required to use this feature.
  2. This feature will automatically hold Product payment funds to the Seller until the problem reported to the Resolution Center is resolved.
  3. In the event that the seller/buyer does not provide an answer within 1×24 hours after the problem is created, the problem will automatically be resolved based on the solution approved by VCGamers. VCGamers has the right to make a decision on this issue by looking at the existing evidence and/or the evidence that must be completed by each party. VCGamers has the right to mediate and/or make decisions to resolve problems in the Resolution Center discussion.
  4. If no agreement is found between the seller and the buyer within 2×24 hours, then VCGamers has the right to help resolve the problem.
  5. Buyers and sellers understand and agree that in resolving problems in the Resolution Center, Buyers and Sellers are obliged to provide responses to existing problems until they are resolved by complying with the conditions and time limits as determined by VCGamers in the relevant discussion.

Instant Features & Fast Process

  1. The Instant Feature and Quick Process is a Delivery Program created by VCGamers for Stores that have high speed and success in delivering their products. This program aims to increase store sales and profits, with a fast delivery system.
  2. In the Instant Features and Express Process program, VCGamers can select and determine which stores have the right to use and obtain the status/label "Instant" and "Express Process", with criteria determined by VCGamers.
  3. VCGamers has the right to revoke the status/label "Instant" and "Quick Process" if within a week in a row the percentage of successful transactions is below 90%.
  4. VCGamers has the right to take action against the Seller if they violate the VCGamers Terms and Conditions.

Content Loading

  1. Every User is prohibited from uploading or using words, comments, images or any content that contains SARA, vulgarity, discrimination, demeaning or insulting other people and is threatening, advertising or promoting on platforms other than VCGamers. Along with things that are considered to violate applicable laws in Indonesia or social values and norms and/or based on policies that apply to the VCGamers platform. VCGamers can take necessary action if this provision is violated, further provisions will be regulated in the Penalty Policy.
  2. Users are prohibited from using photos/images that have someone else's ownership mark (watermark). Users must understand and agree that misuse of photos/images uploaded by Users is the responsibility of the individual User.
  3. When the User uploads Content to the VCGamers Site, the user has knowingly granted VCGamers a non-exclusive worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free right and exercise of any and all copyrights, publicity, trademarks, database rights and the intellectual property rights that Users have in the content.
  4. Users are obliged to guarantee not to violate intellectual property rights when uploading User content to the VCGamers site. Users are personally responsible for violations of intellectual property rights uploaded on the VCGamers Platform.
  5. Users agree not to hold VCGamers responsible for any misuse of intellectual property rights committed by other users.
  6. VCGamers has the right to at any time withdraw Content/Products that are deemed to violate the Terms and Conditions of the VCGamers website and Applicable Legal Regulations.

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