
    Digital Products

My Purchase Cancelled / Canceled Seller

There are several reasons why sellers cancel orders, such as:

  • Out of stock
  • You canceled because the order was not processed in more than 10 minutes (Quick Process)
  • There is a change in product price
  • The web/server delivery process is experiencing problems
  • Incorrect user ID or information provided by the buyer, etc

You don't need to worry if your order is cancelled, the funds will be automatically returned to your account Buyer's Balance worth the price of the canceled product plus feature service fees (if any) and can be used again for shopping at VCGamers Marketplace or you can withdraw it to the Bank/E-Wallet via the available Withdraw Balance menu.

*Notes : 

Admin Contact on Whatsapp

Please fill in the form below to make it easier for the admin to help with your problem

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