
    Digital Products

Transaction Status

Here you can get the information you need regarding transaction status. The following is the transaction status that you need to know:

  1. Pending, your transaction is already being processed by the Seller.
  2. Success, your transaction has been processed by the Seller.
  3. Refund, your transaction fails and cannot be processed by the Seller and the balance is automatically returned to your account. Please ensure that the data entered is correct and appropriate.

How to View Transaction Details?

Each Partner can check all purchase transactions by:

  1. On the send side of the Main menu, point the cursor to the menu Transaction to open the Transaction page, after that you can click the sign below Action.
  2. In the Action You can see in detail the history of transactions that have been made.

Transaction not yet processed?

Transactions will be processed according to the estimates stated based on SLAs. You can see the transaction status and transaction details on the page Transaction like the following example. As a note Estimated transaction duration may vary for each transaction.

Keep your password and all your identities confidential. never ever provide your password to any party on behalf of VCGamers. We will never ask or ask for information regarding any data from any Partner. If there is any suspicious activity & transaction, contact us immediately support team we!

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