
    Digital Products

Service Fees for Express & Instant Process Features

Express Process Feature

Express Process is a feature that guarantees buyers that their order will be delivered in less than 10 minutes by the seller.

If the order delivery exceeds the 10 minute time limit, the buyer is given the opportunity to cancel the order unilaterally via the cancellation menu available in the transaction details.

Products with features Proses Kilat have specially marked labels and sections.

Instant Delivery Feature

Every product has a label Instant, you will receive the product directly (Instant) after successful payment and can be viewed via the menu View Vouchers available in your transaction details.

Service Fees

VCGamers applies a feature service fee which is calculated based on the delivery features used. Here are the details:

  • Lightning Process: +1,000
  • Instant Delivery: +1,000

For details of the service fees charged, please see the Checkout page.

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