
    Digital Products

Payment successful order status Processed

If the order has not been received after payment has been successfully made, please check the order delivery status from the seller using the following steps:

  1. Click menu Account > My order, or
  2. Click menu Transaction bottom left of the VCGamers page

If order status Processed, please contact the seller via the button Contact Seller which is available after payment has been successfully made so that your order will be sent immediately by the seller.

If the seller does not process the order beyond the time limit specified in each category, the order will be canceled automatically.

The following are details of the automatic completion time limits for each category:

Product Category Delivery Deadline
Top Up Games 3 hours
Live Stream App 3 hours
Vouchers 2 hours
Game Account 2 hours
E-Wallet 3 hours
Game Coins 3 hours
Game Key 3 hours
Items & Skins 6 Hours
Jockey Services 24 hours
Other 3 hours
Credit & PLN 3 hours

Especially for purchases with features Proses Kilat, you can cancel your order if the seller does not process your order in more than 10 minutes via the button provided in the order details. You can check how to cancel an order here.

*If your status requires further assistance, you can contact the Customer Support team via email [email protected].

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